Shelled Eggs Crack Evolution

Explaining shelled eggs by natural selection is a major problem.

Archive: RNA Repair, Diatom Strength, AAAS Superstition

These articles from February 2003 give glimpses into the status of science 21 years ago.

Hummingbirds Thrive on Sugar

Why don't hummingbirds get diabetes? They didn't evolve to live on sugar; they were designed that way.

Archive: Eyes, Ears, Clocks, and Cold Dinosaurs

These entries from February 2022 are still worth reading. Enjoy!

How Flies Control Eyes Size

Getting left-right symmetry doesn't just happen. It is regulated by specialized machines.

Spiral Galaxies Revealed in Dazzling Multicolored Splendor

New images from the Webb telescope combined with Hubble images present a catalog of awesome structures.

Explore Inside a Migrating Salmon’s Nostril

Awesome circuitry is animated in Illustra Media's latest short film.

Darwinian Storytelling Dumbs Down Media

How silly does an evolutionary story have to get before reporters revolt?

Archive: DNA Repair, Cambrian Fish, More

Here are some articles from the archives about DNA repair, media, butterflies and more.

Leviathan Was Real

They're not just sailors' tales. Sea monsters really existed.

Archive: Titan’s Young Atmosphere, More

These articles from January 2002 still hold interest for us all.

More Fossils Show Stasis, Not Evolution

Where's the evolution? In these creatures, fossils show complex parts already working.

The Sense of Smell Seems Almost Magical

Smell is far more complex than believed, new research shows.

Engineers Follow Inspiring Creatures

From tiny to mighty, living cells, animals and plants inspire human technology.

Archive: How Do Plants Know When to Bloom?

From 20 years ago, this entry still raises awe about springtime flowering processes.
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