Origin-of-Life Speculation Is Out of ContrOOL

OOL is short for Origin of Life. There's only one theory that works. The rest are so improbable, their supporters go to ridiculous lengths to believe them.

Darwinian Explanations Are Religious

A theory that explains opposite things with equal ease is indistinguishable from magic.

Another RNA World ‘Missing Link’ Experiment Misses the Point

Magic droplets overcome one hurdle with help from humans, but so what?

New Guidebook for Earthlings Published

A new book by two CEH authors can help readers understand their spacecraft and its mission. Dr Henry Richter, distinguished NASA scientist, former Caltech professor and inventor, the last surviving manager of Explorer 1 (January 31, 1958), has a new book worth sharing. Its title appeals to all readers on the planet: Spacecraft Earth: A […]

Boastful Origin-of-Life Claims Conceal Contradictions

The latest speculations about life’s origins always overlook the most essential component: the origin of biological information. Suggestive catch-phrases are no substitute for demonstration. Evolutionary scientists employ stock phrases like “missing link” and “RNA world” and “prebiotic soup” that conceal, rather than illuminate, the actual chemical problems getting from molecules to life. The so-called “building […]

Enceladus Cannot Spout for Billions of Years

You can tell when theorists are getting desperate. Their assumptions get more and more implausible, and they gloss over falsifying facts.

Cell Repair Requirement Demolishes Origin-of-Life Speculation

A biology professor who came out of a Darwinian communist country explodes origin-of-life speculation with real world facts about genetic repair mechanisms.

Science Fail: Shaky Assumptions Topple Long-Held Notions

Science is supposed to be self-correcting, we're told. But when towers of belief are built on assumptions later shown to be false, the consequences can be monumental.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets, 6: Chemistry and Probability

In this final segment about habitability of exoplanets, Dr Henry Richter looks at chemistry and probability.

Saturnians Are Safe from Cassini Germs

Cassini scientists crashed their spacecraft into Saturn today in order to protect possible life forms on Titan, Enceladus and other moons.

Stop the Silly Darwin Stories

What happens when consensus enforces conformity, and doubters are excluded? In the case of Darwinism, you get utter nonsense. This must end.

Facing Reality About Life on Other Planets

by Dr Henry Richter For a number of years I have been amused to watch many in the scientific community conduct a frantic campaign to identify life elsewhere in the universe. There has been a plethora of articles and significant dollars dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life, particularly intelligent life. In recent times several […]

Evolutionary Storytelling Evolves: the Case of Origin of Life

 The Latest Episode in Evolving Origin-of-Life Stories by Dr Jerry Bergman The origin-of-life story is evolving. Before the middle 1600s most people believed that many forms of life originated by spontaneous generation from either inanimate matter, or once-living but now dead matter. Aristotle even believed that animals he considered “simple”, such as worms, fleas, bees, […]

Etiology of Alien Derangement Syndrome

With no evidence for their invisible friends, believers in space aliens are losing their minds. Are they setting themselves up for mass deception?

Darwin Fail: Surprising Organisms Follow Their Own Path

There are organisms that change too fast, others that change too slow, and others that change without natural selection. What's a Darwinist to do?
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