Media NASA Honors Fake Human Ancestor October 16, 2021 The Lucy mission is studying asteroids. What does that have to do with fake human evolution? CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Incontrovertible Dinosaur DNA Reported September 28, 2021 Darwinists have changed strategies. They no longer deny the existence of dinosaur soft tissue. They just embrace cognitive dissonance. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Time Dilation in Evolutionary Rates September 24, 2021 The speed of evolution is like general relativity. It goes fast or slow depending on the storyteller's frame of reference. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Latest “Walking Whale” Fails September 9, 2021 Another putative whale ancestor adds to the past pile of failures. Eleven bone fragments have birthed another whale of a tale. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Pterosaurs Defy Evolution September 2, 2021 Flying reptiles appear suddenly in the fossil record; their diversification in size and shape astonishes paleontologists. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Ginkgo ‘Living Fossil’ Trees Defy Evolution August 31, 2021 "200 million-year-old" ginkgo tree leaves showcased but their fossils often preserve original plant material. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism Stretches Imaginations August 27, 2021 Is the Gumby action figure of Darwin made of Flubber or Silly Putty? Either material works, depending on the need of the moment. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Arabian Artifacts Undermine Human Evolution Narrative August 19, 2021 Human evolution story is in shambles (again) after finds in Arabia, but the Darwinian storytellers have no shame. They keep imagining new tales. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Shedding Dark on Whale Evolution August 12, 2021 Darwin-worshiping biologists brag about shedding light on evolution, but it is only black light that makes their imaginations glow. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Glass Sponges: Lessons from the Deep August 10, 2021 How can a "simple" or "primitive" sponge surprise engineers with its optimal physics? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Living Fossils Disprove Evolution July 29, 2021 A theory that uses the same process to explain both stasis and change is not a theory worth defending. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Echinoderm Graveyard Found July 22, 2021 Thousands of sea stars, feather stars, brittle stars, sea urchins and more found exceptionally preserved in catastrophic burial. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Human Evolution Story in Tatters July 20, 2021 Another skull scrambles the paleoanthropology story. What is the reason for so many rewrites of human evolution? CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Sheep Mummy Shows Limits on DNA Longevity July 14, 2021 Under ideal conditions for preservation, DNA from a sheep in a salt mine lasted 1,600 years. But could it last millions? CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs More Original Dinosaur Molecules Found July 5, 2021 This time, eggshell fossils were analyzed by experts at the American Chemical Society. CONTINUE READING