Tweety Rex Found in China

It's not a joke. Evolutionists are actually trying to connect a mighty dinosaur with a delicate tweety bird.

Skull Duggery: Dragon Man Cannot Rescue Human Evolution

The tale of Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans shakes up evolutionists again with another skull from China.

Baby Arctic Dinosaurs Challenge Narrative

Something is terribly wrong with a report that baby dinosaurs hatched and lived in frigid Arctic tundra for millions of years.

Neanderthal Fails Again as Evolutionary Link

Another attempt to resurrect the once-prized evolutionary link between apes and modern humans fails.

DNA of ‘Cave Woman’ Very Similar to Ours

Genome of  40,000-year-old woman sequenced. DNA of the oldest known human is more like ours than evolution predicted.

Neanderthal-Human Interbreeding Was Frequent

Neanderthal and Modern Human Interbreeding: from Never to Frequent The Most Important Missing Link is Now Just Another People Group by Jerry Bergman, PhD Neanderthals did not evolve, but our judgments about them sure have! As I have been following this topic for many years, I recall the research which concluded modern humans were not […]

Mammals Were Never Primitive

So-called "primitive" life is often not primitive at all. A new study to support evolution ends up giving evidence against evolution.

Darwinism Does Not Fit the Evidence

Darwinists have been lying, saying that "the evidence for evolution is overwhelming." The opposite is true.

Improbable Rafting Is Central to Darwinism

Evolutionary theory requires rare improbable events, but stuff happens in millions of years, they say.

Mass Burial of Tyrannosaurs Misinterpreted

The secular scientists say that scattered bones of five tyrannosaurs that died together proves that they were "gregarious."

Get Real: Evolutionists Are ‘Likely’ Clueless

Let's analyze what Darwinists think are 'likely' scenarios about how and when complex organisms evolved or went extinct.

Pterosaur Beats Giraffe

A flying reptile with a neck longer than a giraffe's? Could it fly at breakneck speed without breaking its neck?

Darwinists Are Contortionists

To keep their pet theory from being falsified, Darwinians must stretch, twist and bend it to fit unexpected observations.

Fossil Leaves Contain DNA

Are these leaves really 16 million years old? They retain color, odor, and even DNA. Bruce Malone shares a remarkable find.

Evolution Evolves at Random

Imagine a science always shifting as if in Brownian motion, never getting anywhere. That's Darwinism.
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