Denisovans Were Modern People

More evidence shows that Denisovans were not primitive missing links, but a people group within humankind.

Evolutionists Fool Themselves with Darwin Trees

The methods they use are almost guaranteed to give wrong results a vast majority of the time.

Bats Defy Evolution

Bats are highly successful and diverse mammals, the only mammals capable of powered flight.

Evolution as a Magic Wand

Natural selection is the most creative force in the universe, Darwinists believe. It does anything evolutionists want.

Recent Plants Found Under Greenland Ice

Plant materials in an ice core cannot be a million years old. They look like they were buried in the recent past.

Lamprey Larvae Are Not Vertebrate Ancestors

Another case of Haeckel-like recapitulation turns out to be false. Lamprey larvae are not relics of our ancestors.

Was Antarctica Once a Land of Forests?

Perfectly preserved leaves under Antarctic ice tell a story. But what is the correct plot?

Early Man Stories Becoming More Convoluted

Trusting the Darwinians about human evolution requires willing suspension of disbelief.

Number of Dinosaur Species May Be Overestimated

New analyses of fossils is leading scientists to question our understanding of dinosaur species. We’ve finally figured out why there were no medium-sized dinosaurs (New Scientist). The bluffing headline by Riley Black glosses over the difficulty of figuring out where one dinosaur species ends and another begins. Researchers at the University of New Mexico aren’t […]

A Failed Attempt to Refute Living Fossils: The Case of Coelacanth

Dr Bergman describes how a major concept was dismissed based on appallingly flimsy evidence.

Evolutionary Timescales Require Ridiculous Migrations

Which position has more problems in biogeography, creation or evolution? Look at these tales before deciding.

Living Fossils: The Horseshoe Crab Story

Living fossils pose significant challenges to Darwinian theory, even with genomes available. The horseshoe crab is a prime example.

Scientists Set Maximum Lifetime for Ancient DNA

Any DNA found older than this upper limit will cause huge problems for the evolutionary dating scheme.

Mammalian Middle Ear Evolution: Story Gets More Wobbly

Analysis of new fossils makes a fantastic evolutionary tale even more unbelievable. Middle ears show intelligent design, not evolution.

Evolutionary Paleontologists Ask Wrong Questions

Data that should falsify evolutionary timelines instead is used to launch new storytelling speculations.
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