Scientists Set Maximum Lifetime for Ancient DNA

Any DNA found older than this upper limit will cause huge problems for the evolutionary dating scheme.

Mammalian Middle Ear Evolution: Story Gets More Wobbly

Analysis of new fossils makes a fantastic evolutionary tale even more unbelievable. Middle ears show intelligent design, not evolution.

Evolutionary Paleontologists Ask Wrong Questions

Data that should falsify evolutionary timelines instead is used to launch new storytelling speculations.

You Are More than a Primitive Fish

Consider this headline: "We’re more like primitive fishes than once believed." Why aren't people insulted?

Seeing Fake Life in Dead Minerals

Fooled by wishful thinking, some paleontologists call round things microfossils when they were never alive.

Darwinists Lying to the Public

The facts in this story are opposite what a BBC headline promises.

Any Evolution for Platypus Yet?

It's been a long time since scientists have tried to Darwinize the platypus. Any progress?

Argentina Hosted Largest Land Animal

A new skeleton of a sauropod may have broken the record for largest land animal that ever lived.

Dinosaur Bone Bed Indicates Underwater Graveyard

Multiple specimens of Edmontosaurus give evidence of catastrophic water burial after transport by an underwater debris flow.

What a Croc: Punk-Eek Invoked for Crocodile Evolution

Evolution is fast except when it is slow. It explains all, including why crocodiles are largely unchanged for 200 mya.

57,000 Years Is Too Old for a Young Puppy

Inflated age is not the only questionable claim about a frozen wolf pup found buried in permafrost.

Evolutionists Gloss Over Implications of Dinosaur Tissue Remains

Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, so these delicate remains are at least that old. Move along; nothing to see here.

Early Man: Toumai Deposed

Toumai, one of the most important hominids ever found has been debunked.

Old Fat Not Worth Chewing: Evolutionary Tale Update

It took two years, but now evolutionists have been falsified more properly.

This Dinosaur-Era Bird Was Not Evolving

The only fossil evidence was a larger beak than expected. From that, a scenario of evolution was built.
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