Botany Flip Flops in Plant Ancestry March 13, 2020 Are green algae the ancestors of all land plants? Do paleontologists even know that these fossils are green algae? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Fossil Roaches Did Not Evolve March 4, 2020 Cockroaches preserved in amber show no evolution, but the Darwinists celebrate anyway. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Dinosaur DNA Found! February 28, 2020 Deep-timers had a big enough problem with collagen and melanosomes. But DNA should be long gone. 75 million years? No way! CONTINUE READING
Human Body Footnote: Evolution Adds Nothing February 27, 2020 A new study of foot stiffness helps explain human walking and running, and might inspire robots. Evolution adds nothing. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Desperation to Keep Dinosaur Soft Tissue Old February 18, 2020 The big guns are out to prove dinosaur blood vessels and collagen really can last tens of millions of years. Do they succeed? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossils: Where’s the Evolution? February 13, 2020 Animals larger than today's, appearing earlier than thought – how does that help Darwin's narrative? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Oldest Scorpion Stings Darwin January 27, 2020 Storytellers caught in the act: making up an evolutionary tale when the fossil evidence does not support it. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Questioning Another Dino-Bird January 20, 2020 Another Chinese fossil bird with a few dinosaur-like characteristics raises question about the evolutionary narrative. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Calling the Extinction Game January 18, 2020 The Mexico Asteroids pull ahead! But the India Deccans are not down for the count. CONTINUE READING
Fossils How Body Organs Evolved (Not) January 17, 2020 From the first fossils of multicellular life to the end, Dr Jerry Bergman looks for evidence of the evolution of organs. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Dino Skin with Blood Vessels, Proteins Found January 13, 2020 So well preserved is a hadrosaur's skin, the remnants of blood vessels and pigments are still visible with original molecules present. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Kid dinosaur was misidentified as a new species January 8, 2020 Oops: Tissue confirms Nanotyrannus was not a new species, but merely a juvenile T. rex. CONTINUE READING
Birds More Faith in Natural Selection: DinoBirds January 7, 2020 It's easy, Darwinists say, to make a bird from a dinosaur. Just shrink it down. All the requirements will emerge. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Marine Reptile Found With Intact Skin January 3, 2020 Scientists at Lund University say, "Remarkably preserved fossil sea reptile reveals skin that is still soft." CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Dates of Human Fossils and Foods Challenge Credibility January 2, 2020 Nobody would believe these stories if the fossil dates hadn't been previously whitewashed with the coating of "science." CONTINUE READING