Change Your Mind on Darwinism, Get Expelled

A world-class paleontologist and curator of a national museum loses his job and reputation simply for switching from Darwinism to intelligent design.

Fossil Forest Found in Antarctica

Claimed to be 280 million years old, stumps of fossil trees retain original material in the world's coldest climate.

New Guidebook for Earthlings Published

A new book by two CEH authors can help readers understand their spacecraft and its mission. Dr Henry Richter, distinguished NASA scientist, former Caltech professor and inventor, the last surviving manager of Explorer 1 (January 31, 1958), has a new book worth sharing. Its title appeals to all readers on the planet: Spacecraft Earth: A […]

Paleontologist Becomes an Outcast After Publicly Renouncing Faith in Darwinism

A Darwinian paleontologist, Günter Bechly changed his views when he decided to read books on intelligent design for himself. The change was costly.

The Flying Giraffe and Other Fossil Stories of Extinct Reptiles

Imagine a giraffe leaping into the air and flying off. That's what this giant pterosaur was like. Other interpretations about extinct reptiles are not so certain.

Excusing Darwinism’s Lack of Evidence

Several recent papers either rationalize evolution's failures, or else agree that the theory needs revision.

Darwinians Claim to See Evolution Happening Now

Unable to see evolutionary progress in the fossil record, some Darwinians try to claim they are watching it before our eyes.

Selective Extinctions Defy Logic

To believe the standard evolutionary timeline, you have to accept some highly unreasonable notions.

Fossil Bird Oil Stuns Scientists

A gland that birds use for preening, including the fatty oil, has been found in a fossil. Could it really be 48 million years old? Yesterday, we reported a soft tissue find in a turtle fossil said to be 54 million years old. Within hours, another story appeared about soft tissue from a bird fossil […]

Original Proteins Found in Fossil Sea Turtle

The fossil of a sea turtle said to be 54 million years old still has original proteins of pigment and muscle.

Lazy Darwinists Abuse Science

The Darwin storytelling empire has become fat and lazy, abandoning the hard work of empiricism for tantalizing speculations.

Neanderthal Racism Continues

The evidence shows that Neanderthals were fully human, having shared genetic information with us. Why, then, do Darwin Supremacists continue to treat them as "other" than human?

Is This Salamander Really 40 Million Years Old?

40-35 million year old salamander looks just like a present-day salamander.

Archaeopteryx: The Rock Star of Dino-Birds?

Dr Jerry Bergman examines evidence that Archaeopteryx was transitional between reptiles and birds.

Fossil Food Finds Change Evolutionary Stories

Four fossils give indications of what extinct animals ate. The results challenge what evolutionists thought about their complexity.
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