New Monotreme Fossils Fail to Support Evolution

Diversity discovered, but not an evolutionary progression as Darwinism requires.

Archive: Flagellum, Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Crabs, Comets

Celebrate the summer solstice with these lost gems from CEH archives published in June 2002.

Ant What She Used to Be

Darwinians are masters at twisting evidence of stasis into tales of ancient evolution.

Great Oxidation Myth Creates Absurdities

A falsified zombie scenario known as the GOE is not a solution to evolutionary problems. It is a problem itself.

Archive: Language Evolution, Tooth Evolution, Flood Myths, More

These articles from June 2002 still hold interest for CEH readers. What issues from 22 years ago remain the same today?

Evolutionists Try to Explain Away Living Fossils

You can't play word games to deny extreme stasis. You can't say living fossils really are evolving.

Archive 2002: RNA, Vaporware, Mendel, and more

What has changed since May 2002? What remains the same?

Twisting Evidence Against Evolution Into Evidence For Evolution

Freed from serious critique by non-Darwinists, evolutionists can twist any data into support for their Darwinist ideology.

Species Diversification Still an Evolutionary Puzzle

A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.

Archive: Caveman Rock, Body Time, Primate with Dinosaurs

Articles we printed in April 2002 lead to a question: have evolutionists changed in the last 22 years?

More Ignorance About Bird Flight Admitted

Fifty years of speculation has offered no solution to how birds fly.

Origin of Bird Flight: Pick Your Miracles

Powered flight in birds arose only once; no! it arose many times!

Living Fossils Cannot Be Old

The living fossil myth: are they really 66 million years old?

Archive: DNA, Insects, Human Body, Fossils

These stories from March 2003 are useful for comparing what science was saying 21 years ago with discoveries since then.

Giant Sequoias Growing Tall in England

California's giant trees have a new habitat across the globe. What does this imply about geographic distribution?
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