Stromatolites and Suppositions

We know some things about stromatolites, but we don't know what we don't know.

O Beautiful for Amber Waves of Fossils

Striking examples of life encased in fossil tree sap open eyes on creation vs evolution.

Bird Brain Is a Compliment

Birds are as smart as apes, even though long separated in ancestral time according to Darwin.

Weird Animals You Never Heard Of

Welcome to a menagerie of believe-it-or-not creatures that once inhabited our planet (or still do).

Human Evolution Timeline Contradicts Human Nature

Even stupid people don't sit around in caves for tens of thousands of years.

Animals that Defy Long Ages

A lizard and an elephant join forces to question evolutionary dates.

Jurassic Ark: Mesozoic Fossils that Challenge Evolution

Here are recent discoveries of extinct terrestrial and marine reptiles and animals from the Jurassic and Cretaceous.

Impossible Fossil Soft Tissue Stuns Evolutionists

The only reason evolutionists think this soft tissue is 520 million years old is because they have to.

Organisms Refusing to Evolve Over Millions of Years

Several more cases of "extreme stasis" have turned up, calling into question Darwin's notion of constant, gradual change over millions of years.

Possible Super-Grand Canyon Found Under Antarctica

Another record-breaking canyon may exist under the ice of the south polar continent, carved by water.

Fossils that Defy Old Ages

Here are three things assumed to be old that look young. It's only the presumption of old age that forces the claims of millions of years.

Geology Theories Are Not Set in Stone

To be a geologist, you have to have a big imagination and always be ready to have your favorite theory overturned.

Separating Old Bones from Living Storytellers

What happens when discrete bones are forced into a continuous narrative where they don't fit? Answer: storytelling.

Detailed Seeds Found in Early Cretaceous Rock

Hundreds of flowering plant seeds from early Cretaceous strata on two continents show exceptional preservation; how can they be 125 million years old?

News to Enhance Your Birding

Birdwatching is more fun when you learn what's going on in those feathered bodies.
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