The Evolution of Penguins

Science reporters are dancing with happy feet about a news story supposedly explaining how penguins evolved.

From Tiny Bones to Whopper Conclusions

It doesn't take much to stimulate an evolutionist's imagination. A tiny middle ear bone will do.

Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands

When a fossil violates Darwinist expectations, it never falsifies the theory. It just creates a new round of imaginative gesticulations.

Dinosaur Evolution Story Survives In Spite of Evidence

The evolutionary story of extinction and the rise of dinosaurs faces challenges, but survives when the glue of imagination holds fragmentary evidence together.

Intact Dinosaur Skin Found

Some material that flaked off a fossil in Alberta was not stone; it was dinosaur skin. Discoverers were excited and puzzled: how could it last so long?

Coelacanth: Making the Most of an Unevolved Fish

The coelacanth genome has been sequenced. Does it show evidence for evolution? Only to those with a good imagination.

Divorce Spats Between Lucy and Designated Replacement

Lucy was the darling of the 1980s, but with Australopithecus sediba taking center stage, her fans are not happy.

Intact Protein Remnants Found in Dinosaur Eggs

A new record for soft tissue in a dinosaur fossil was reported in Nature: collagen in dinosaur eggs from the early Jurassic.

Freckled Trilobites Had Great Eyes

Darlings of the Cambrian Explosion, trilobites had spotted markings and sophisticated eyes. Some have been exceptionally well preserved as fossils, down to the level of individual cells.

Scientific Findings Can Be Counterintuitive

Here are examples of recent claims in science that seem to contradict what some would consider intuitively obvious. They should be kept in mind when evaluating other scientific truisms, like evolution.

The Ediacaran Era May Be a Flawed Concept

Before humans arrived, no strata came with "Ediacaran" stamped on them. Does this human-invented name have any real meaning? Does it tell time?

Arctic Camel Found

Fossils from a large species of camel living in Canada's high arctic contain soft tissue.

Intact Biomolecules Claimed to Be 350 Million Years Old

The oldest recovered biomolecules have been found in crinoid fossils – but are they really that old?

California Whale Fossils: Transitional Forms?

Several fossil whale parts found in a southern California canyon are being called transitional forms in whale evolution.

Meet Your Evolutionary Propagandists

The science media are calling us to "meet our earliest mammal ancestor" but is this based on evidence or hype?
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