Paleoanthropologist Exposes Shoddiness of "Early Man" Research

Many paleoanthropologists are bent on self-promotion, and the field lacks ability to regulate itself, a veteran researcher complains.

New Feathered Fossil, But Not Simple Evolution

You would think evolutionists would celebrate this new "feathered dinosaur" instead of furrowing their brows.

Evolutionists' Storytelling Addiction

For professionals who should be concerned with evidence, many evolutionists are given to rampant speculation. The tipoff is usually a phrase like "may have," "could have," or "conceivably."

Another Phylum Found in Cambrian Explosion

Fossils of members of phylum entoprocta, known from the Jurassic, are now found now found in Cambrian strata in abundance.

Stampeding Dinosaur Tracks Made in Water

What were these dinosaurs running from? Science Daily reported that dinosaur trackways in Australia, formerly presumed to have been made by a stampeding herd on land, were actually formed in water.  “Queensland paleontologists have discovered that the world’s only recorded dinosaur stampede is largely made up of the tracks of swimming rather than running animals,” […]

What's Up with Alley Oop?

Here are some recent stories about human evolution. Some might deserve to be in the comics.

Ediacarans Not Related to Cambrian Animals

Two surprises come from a re-analysis of classic Ediacaran fossils from Australia: they're unrelated to Cambrian animals, and they may have lived on land.

More Falsified Darwinian Expectations

Scientists continue finding the real world to be opposite evolutionary expectations. Here are some recent examples.

Big Mean Bird Was Vegan

Diatryma, a giant flightless bird often portrayed as a wicked carnivore, may have gently dined on plants.

Three New Fossil Finds Challenge Evolution

Three fossil discoveries challenge evolutionary dogma, and the articles admit it.

Another Flap Over Dinosaur Feathers

The first North American "feathered dinosaur" has put the media in a frenzy of celebration over questionable data.

Dinosaur Soft Tissue Case Strengthened

At a meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Mary Schweitzer gave more evidence she found soft tissue in dinosaur bone.

New Jaws Sequel Has Evolutionists Teething

The evolution of teeth got pushed back farther in time, thanks to analysis of a placoderm fossil.

More Fossils Appear Abruptly

Two more finds show spectacular stasis – the lack of evolution.

Upper Limit Set on DNA Age

Forget Jurassic Park; DNA cannot last anywhere near 65 million years, researchers say.
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