Dating Methods Ancient DNA Speaks October 11, 2023 Evolutionists are still not facing the challenge of ancient DNA to Deep Time. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossils Too Perfect for Deep Time October 3, 2023 Evolutionists never question the vast ages for fossils that are exquisitely preserved. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Human Population Bottleneck Admitted by Secular Geneticists September 21, 2023 Secular scientists now claim that the human population almost died out. Does this match the Biblical record? CONTINUE READING
Geology Plate Tectonics Flooded North America September 14, 2023 In a radical departure from conventional ideas, geologists confirm key mechanisms of Biblical Flood models. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Cool Dinosaur Tricks September 8, 2023 Here's how to trick people into thinking dinosaurs evolved: use Science Fudge. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Natural Selection Is Darwin’s Genie August 29, 2023 To understand natural selection, one needs to watch how its believers use it: as a magic genie. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution A Punk Eek Theory for Climate? August 11, 2023 Something is rotten in the state of science. The ghost of Stephen Jay Gould is lurking in climatology. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Big Whale and Bigger Evolutionary Tale August 4, 2023 Scientists aren't sure what they are looking at, but evolution isn't helping. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Questions Materialists Fail to Ask July 28, 2023 Evolutionary biologists and non-theistic scientists ask the wrong questions and avoid some obvious ones. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Evolutionists Exacerbate the Cambrian Explosion July 21, 2023 Two secular papers this month will not be welcome by Darwinians. They remove the biggest excuses. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Amber Fossils: Comparing Explanations July 20, 2023 Explaining a fossil's history is not an observation; it is an inference from assumptions. CONTINUE READING
Geology Assumptions Distort Geological Dating July 17, 2023 In a major geology journal, geologists admit that their dating schemes rest on questionable assumptions. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Biogeography: Whose Problem? July 10, 2023 Don't think that evolutionists are immune from vexing questions about where species have dispersed. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Early Chordate Squeezes Darwin July 7, 2023 A new fossil chordate puts even more bang in the Cambrian explosion. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Cambrian Explosion Crisis Worsens June 29, 2023 If evolutionary ancestors of complex animals had existed, they would have been preserved. They aren't found. CONTINUE READING