Do Bacteria Grow Old?

Life cannot mutate for millions of years. This is a major challenge to old-age claims.

Quantized Redshifts Are Still Being Discussed

If redshifts of extragalactic objects are indeed quantized, the big bang theory will be a casualty.

Science Media Abandons Empiricism

By failing to exercise restraint, reporters launch themselves into speculative fantasy islands.

Science Goes with the Cultural Flow

The Easter Island revision shows how science myths can track cultural values.

What’s Hot This Week

Check in several times a day for word about news items appearing on our feeds.

Darwinists Try Another Excuse for Dinosaur Soft Tissue

They can't deny it exists, but their commitment to Deep Time requires an explanation— anything that "could" work.

Motley Origins News

This is a collection of unrelated articles on creation or evolution of interest to our readers.

Archive: Brittlestars, Extinction, Feathers, Adultery, Cells, Censorship

These posts from August 2001 show that some topics discussed 23 years ago are still in the news.

Neanderthals R Us

Research shows that one formerly leading missing link is now a full member of the human family.

Rubberduck Reporters Gullible to Science Shamans

Science reporters regurgitate whatever scientists say about things they cannot possibly know.

Climate Change: What the Science Says

The popular media is not giving the whole story.

Green Greenland Was Good

Climatologists worry about Greenland melting, but plants thrived there before.

Evolutionists Lose Billions

Materialists play fast and loose with billions of years as if playing dice in a game of chance.

Mammoth DNA Challenges Assumed Age

Intact chromosomes from a woolly mammoth: can they really be 52,000 years old?

Archive: Ethics, Rights, Bird Trees, Stalactites, Cells

Would you know some of these articles are "old news" from 23 years ago if you didn't see the dates? It appears that evolutionists have not changed much.
All Posts by Date
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