Archive: Membrane Channels, Molecular Machines, Censorship, Cave Art, More

Breakthroughs, controversies, and scientists acting badly: these are other reports recovered from January 2002.

Soft Tissue Wars: Latest Inadequate Excuse

Four European scientists couldn't find original collagen in ichthyosaur bones, but how hard did they look?

Neanderthals Promoted to Relatives

Once viewed as an extinct missing link, Neanderthals are now seen as our distant relatives.

Another Idea Fails to Age Saturn’s Rings

Japanese scientists attempt to vacuum the dirt off the ring particles to keep them young looking.

Christianity Spread Quickly to Europe

A silver amulet discovered in Germany had an inscription from the 3rd century AD. The message was just published.

Uranus and Neptune in the News

The blue planets beyond Saturn made headlines recently.

Paranthropus Not a Missing Link

Paranthropus boisei (formerly Zinjanthropus) is no longer considered a missing link. It was an extinct ape.
Dave Scott and Jim Irwin in "Hadley Rille" by Alan Bean

Moon and Mars Puzzle Geologists

"Young" features have no clear explanation, leaving scientists baffled.

Evolution Rate: All Noise, No Signal

Darwinists boast of reducing noise in evolution data, but where is the signal?

Did Lucy Rescue the Human Evolution Story?

Before the discovery of Lucy very little evidence existed for human evolution . . . and much of it was wrong!

Archive: Baby IQ, microRNA, Moon Rocks, Plant Muscle, Mars, Courts, Darwin Tree Mixup, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in late October 2001, restored from archives.

How Geologists Rescue Deep Time

Samples from geological press releases illustrate the art of theory rescue.

Archive: Cells, Io, Cave Art, Solar System, Sex, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in October 2001.

Do Bacteria Grow Old?

Life cannot mutate for millions of years. This is a major challenge to old-age claims.

Quantized Redshifts Are Still Being Discussed

If redshifts of extragalactic objects are indeed quantized, the big bang theory will be a casualty.
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