Evolution Suspected on Mars

Mars had great floods of Biblical proportions, but evolutionists find images of Darwin instead.

One-Eruption Volcanoes: On the Decline?

Monogenetic volcanoes pockmark the western United States, but their dates and causes are poorly understood.

Earth Factories, Not Exploding Stars, May Form Elements

What textbooks have taught for decades may not be completely true.

Venus Was Never Habitable

Venus has bad news and bad news: it was never earthlike, and models to determine its habitability are unreliable.
Pluto (color-enhanced) from New Horizons, Sept 24, 2015 release

Can Pluto’s Atmosphere Last Billions of Years?

Pluto's atmosphere is freezing onto the surface again as its orbit takes it farther from the sun. How many times has this happened?

Incontrovertible Dinosaur DNA Reported

Darwinists have changed strategies. They no longer deny the existence of dinosaur soft tissue. They just embrace cognitive dissonance.

Time Dilation in Evolutionary Rates

The speed of evolution is like general relativity. It goes fast or slow depending on the storyteller's frame of reference.

Secrets Under the Earth Revealed

More water inferred deep underground, and ancient canyons and rivers detected.

The Climate of Science and v.v.

The bluster of those speaking for science does not always match their objectivity.

Ginkgo ‘Living Fossil’ Trees Defy Evolution

"200 million-year-old" ginkgo tree leaves showcased but their fossils often preserve original plant material.

Darwinism Stretches Imaginations

Is the Gumby action figure of Darwin made of Flubber or Silly Putty? Either material works, depending on the need of the moment.

Ideology Drives Theory at Grand Canyon

Geologists' open textbook remains an enigma because new ideas must first bow to consensus chronology.

How to Avoid Climate Screams

The epistemology of climate science reveals a wide gap between alarmism and empiricism.

Living Fossils Disprove Evolution

A theory that uses the same process to explain both stasis and change is not a theory worth defending.

Echinoderm Graveyard Found

Thousands of sea stars, feather stars, brittle stars, sea urchins and more found exceptionally preserved in catastrophic burial.
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