New Dinosaur Fossils Shake Up the Consensus

Fossils of ancient reptiles from different continents are changing long-accepted views.

Secularists Can Believe Mars Had a Global Flood

Mars has no liquid water today, but water must have covered much of the planet in the past. How? Nobody knows.

Darwin Party’s Hot Air Machine Never Stops

Do Darwinians ever tire of dishing out vacuous, airy stories about things? Never; with creationists grabbing headlines, they just turn up the heat.

Yet Another Revolution in Human Evolution

A new paper claims the split between chimps and humans occurred in eastern Europe, not Africa as widely accepted for decades by scientists.

Doubts About Climate Consensus

Several papers make it hard to believe that humans are to blame for climate change, or that scientists even know what is going on.

Cassini Diving Through Saturn’s Young Rings

There's a gap between the D ring and the planet that is empty enough to allow the spacecraft to pass through, taking incredible pictures and data.

Creation Geologist Fights Secular Bullies

He has every credential a geologist could wish for, but the consensus bullies will not even let him collect rocks that might question their dogma. Dr. Andrew Snelling has a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney. He has published in peer-reviewed journals. He has taught geology on numerous trips through the Grand Canyon. […]

Early Earth Was Flat and Ocean-Covered, Secular Scientists Claim

No mountains, covered with water — does that sound vaguely familiar?

Archive Classic: The Mystery of the Ultra-Pure Sandstones

Reprinted from June 27, 2003, this mystery is worth considering still. What caused these global deposits that are not being formed today? R. H. Dott, Jr (Univ. of Wisconsin) has a problem. He’s been trying to explain a geological puzzle for 50 years, and it is still unresolved.

The Human Evolution Textbook Has to be Rewritten Yet Again!

This post by Dr. Jerry Bergman exposes the shoddy interpretations drawn from controversial flakes of rock that are turned by reporters into world-shattering news.

Ancient DNA Recovered from Caves

New techniques are allowing scientists to extract ancient DNA from cave soil. But is it really as old as claimed?

Bubbles Scream Life

It might be a fungus. It might be half a billion years older than previously thought. It might rewrite the evolutionary history of complex life, including humans. What is it?

Galaxy Evolution Crisis: Start Over

When you see the words "challenging" and "requires substantial revision" in the abstract, you know trouble is coming.

Saving Evolution with a New Narrative about Dinosaur Soft Tissue

The ability of evolutionary 'scientists' to distract attention from big questions and avoid the obvious has never been more evident.

Are Hobbits Human?

Are the little people of Indonesia and South Africa just small versions of us? Wherever they came from, and whatever they were doing in the caves in which they were found, they don't fit evolutionary expectations.
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