Inflation Concocted to Avoid a Young, Perfect Universe

Alan Guth concocted inflation theory in 1980 to avoid evidence for a 10,000-year-old universe. For his wild, evidence-free speculation, he may win a Nobel Prize.

Light Speed Implications Are Staggering

A new paper revises the speed of light. This could change everything in the universe.

Keeping Titan Old

As the Cassini orbiter makes its 103rd close pass by Titan, have long-agers found ways to keep it billions of years old?

Neanderthal Ancestry Becomes More Convoluted

Reports from a Spanish Cave are producing a welter of opinions about what evolved into whom, and when.

Beware of Misinterpreting Water Claims

A claim of vast reservoirs of water deep in the earth is based on indirect evidence, and likely has little or nothing to do with surface water or floods.

Your Inner Ape Just Got Older

Evolutionists have doubled their date of the chimp-human split from 7 million to 13 million years ago. How, and why?

Lunar Tunes: Do Impacts Ring a Bell?

By looking at current dust and craters, cosmologists think they can hear the echoes of an impact that created the moon. Is that lunar, or looney?

Soft Tissue Found in Chile Ichthyosaur Bonanza

They were buried in the deep sea, but are becoming exposed under a glacier in southern Chile.

German Early-Man Site Shocks Archaeologists with Improbable Dates

Researcher says, "It just goes to show that the easiest way to be wrong in paleoanthropology is to underestimate our ancestors' abilities."

When Is a Fossil Not a Fossil? Oldest "Fossil" Debunked

Certain trace fossils said to be 3.45 billion years old are probably not fossils at all, a reassessment finds.

How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Extinctions?

Earth history is littered with five mass extinctions, evolutionists claim. How solid is their evidence?

Young Galaxy Mature for Its Age

Remote galaxy that should be young looks well-behaved and mature, "truly surprising" astronomers.

Origin of Life Studies Show Signs of Desperation

There is no coherent origin of life scenario among evolutionists, just a collection of odd possibilities – some bordering on the absurd.

Is the Label "Neanderthal" Justifiable These Days?

They were our physical and intellectual equals. What's the difference? The label "Neanderthal" becomes a kind of historical racism against a group of true human beings.

Every Planet Surprises Secular Astronomers, III: Formation Theories

"Surprise" or "puzzling" are the most common words in news reports about bodies in the solar system. Here are recent examples that discuss the origin of planets.
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