Crude Oil in One Hour, Not Millions of Years

A slurry of algae with the right heat and pressure can produce crude oil in one hour.

Geologists Warming Up to Catastrophic Floods

Megafloods larger than anything seen today are better concepts for explaining certain features on Earth and Mars.

More Discoveries Contradict Human Evolution Story

As more findings fail to fit the Darwinian picture, the evolutionary story of man appears to be unraveling.

More Surprises for Evolutionists

Neo-Darwinists would not have predicted the results they got when studying fish, alligators, monkeys and mice.

Europa Joins the Geyser Club

Hints of watery plumes have been detected on Europa – like Enceladus, at its south pole, too.

Ho-Hum; Paleoanthropologists Confused Again

Upsets are so common in evolutionary studies of human ancestry, bystanders might well ask how often they find anything worth believing.

New Record Structure Defies Fundamental Tenet of Modern Cosmology

A structure over twice as large as the previous record holder puts immense strain on theories of the universe.

ISON Died a Customary Comet Death

Comet ISON was not unusual for breaking up and sputtering to a fiery end. That's in comets' nature.

Javelin Upsets Early Man Timeline

A well-crafted spear point for a javelin is dated way too early for the current evolutionary timeline.

Dinosaur Soft Tissue "Explained"

The discoverer of soft tissue in dinosaur bone now has a new explanation for its preservation – but does it really answer the obvious question?

Lunar Dust Problem Re-opened

Long-lost Apollo data on lunar dust accumulation has been found, showing a tenfold increase over previous estimates. What does that imply about the age of the moon?

Tropical Trees Found in Antarctica

Fossilized stumps of tropical trees show that Antarctica was once forested.

What Do Geologists Know About the Early Earth?

There's not much data, and there's a lot of doubt and debate. That's what a geologist admits about theories of early earth history.

Amazing Fossils, Dead and Alive

Australia's oldest bird tracks with dinosaurs, "living fossil" sponges and other strange and wonderful findings accentuate the news on natural history.

Findings That Comport With Genesis

The history of the world and its life could hardly be more different between the Bible's account and that of modern evolutionary naturalism. Some recent scientific reports fit with a designed, recent creation, and do not fit with evolution.
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