North American Geology All Wrong

Researchers are stating that beliefs about the origin of western mountains in North America are all wrong.

Freckled Trilobites Had Great Eyes

Darlings of the Cambrian Explosion, trilobites had spotted markings and sophisticated eyes. Some have been exceptionally well preserved as fossils, down to the level of individual cells.

Scientific Findings Can Be Counterintuitive

Here are examples of recent claims in science that seem to contradict what some would consider intuitively obvious. They should be kept in mind when evaluating other scientific truisms, like evolution.

The Ediacaran Era May Be a Flawed Concept

Before humans arrived, no strata came with "Ediacaran" stamped on them. Does this human-invented name have any real meaning? Does it tell time?

The Trouble with Zircons

Geologists' favorite tool for dating rocks at millions and billions of years old has revealed problems with interpretation.

Gold, Earthquakes, and Time

How long does it take to form veins of gold in the rock? (a) millions of years; (b) less than a second.

Intact Biomolecules Claimed to Be 350 Million Years Old

The oldest recovered biomolecules have been found in crinoid fossils – but are they really that old?

Lunar Impact Theory Is All Wet

Significant amounts of water in lunar rocks cast into doubt the popular impact theory for the origin of the moon.

California Whale Fossils: Transitional Forms?

Several fossil whale parts found in a southern California canyon are being called transitional forms in whale evolution.

Meet Your Evolutionary Propagandists

The science media are calling us to "meet our earliest mammal ancestor" but is this based on evidence or hype?

Evaluating the Chicxulub Impact Dinosaur Extinction Hypothesis

Science Magazine claimed the Mexican crater named Chicxulub is the smoking gun of the dinosaurs' demise, and the media fell in line. Are there reasons to doubt the story?

Desert Varnish Growth Can Be Rapid

New research shows that the black coating on sandstone known as rock varnish or desert varnish can form much more rapidly than previously thought.

Rare Moments of Glory: Planetary Scientists Admit Seeing "Lucky" Circumstances

Why are we seeing young phenomena in the planets if they are billions of years old? Some scientists are abandoning uniformitarian assumptions and admitting we are lucky to be witnessing them in "rare moments of glory."

Was Charlemagne Protected from a Cosmic Disaster? A Carbon-14 Mystery

Tree ring data from the 8th century hint that a cosmic catastrophe was averted on the "privileged planet."

Titan and Mercury: Challenges to Billions of Years

News from Titan and Mercury continue to challenge current theories that they formed billions of years ago.
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