Big Flood on Mars; Why Not on Earth?

More evidence has been presented for a "voluminous" flood on Mars, where there is no water today. So why is a comparable flood disfavored for Earth, where water covers 70% of the surface?

Are These Horse Genes Really 700,000 Years Old?

News sites are celebrating a "spectacular" new record for fossil DNA, claiming horse genes found in permafrost are 700,000 years old, placing the common ancestor two million years earlier than thought.

Cambrian Explosion: Evolutionists Have No Answers

An intelligent design advocate is publishing a book this month that uses the Cambrian Explosion as evidence against Darwinism and for I.D. Two major evolutionary paleontologists have also published a book about the issue.

Genetic Dating Can Fool Scientists

The dates of some human migrations could have been much more recent than genetic data indicates. What of even older dates?

Felicitous Fossils Facilitate Phylogenetic Fabling

Here are some recent fossil finds that, whether they fit or not, are claimed to shed light on evolution.

Fresh Impacts Viewed on Mars, Moon

New impacts observed on the moon and Mars allow space scientists to learn about crater formation in near real time. What conclusions can be drawn?

Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands

When a fossil violates Darwinist expectations, it never falsifies the theory. It just creates a new round of imaginative gesticulations.

Darwin's Tree of Life is a Tangled Bramble Bush

Researchers at Vanderbilt University are tied up in knots trying to locate Darwin's branching tree in contradictory data.

Moon Water and Magnetism Mystifies Astronomers

Two mysteries from the moon are forcing revisions to textbooks. One concerns water in moon minerals. The other concerns the moon's magnetic field.

Buried Treasure Found Under the Ocean: DNA

The most information-rich medium known to man has been found in abundance under the sea, but man didn't put it there.

Dinosaur Evolution Story Survives In Spite of Evidence

The evolutionary story of extinction and the rise of dinosaurs faces challenges, but survives when the glue of imagination holds fragmentary evidence together.

Intact Dinosaur Skin Found

Some material that flaked off a fossil in Alberta was not stone; it was dinosaur skin. Discoverers were excited and puzzled: how could it last so long?

Saturn's Rings Impacted by Meteoroids

Cassini has observed clouds of dust from meteoroids hitting the rings. The data will "impact" theories of the rings' origin and age.

Major Cosmic Questions Remain Unanswered

Some basic ideas about physics and astronomy remain so mysterious, and their explanations so flexible, they may lead some to question whether they should be called "hard sciences."

Coelacanth: Making the Most of an Unevolved Fish

The coelacanth genome has been sequenced. Does it show evidence for evolution? Only to those with a good imagination.
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