Desert Varnish Growth Can Be Rapid

New research shows that the black coating on sandstone known as rock varnish or desert varnish can form much more rapidly than previously thought.

Rare Moments of Glory: Planetary Scientists Admit Seeing "Lucky" Circumstances

Why are we seeing young phenomena in the planets if they are billions of years old? Some scientists are abandoning uniformitarian assumptions and admitting we are lucky to be witnessing them in "rare moments of glory."

Was Charlemagne Protected from a Cosmic Disaster? A Carbon-14 Mystery

Tree ring data from the 8th century hint that a cosmic catastrophe was averted on the "privileged planet."

Titan and Mercury: Challenges to Billions of Years

News from Titan and Mercury continue to challenge current theories that they formed billions of years ago.

Cosmology’s Lumpiness Problem Defies Theory

A record-breaking structure in the universe "defies theory," the news said, ignoring that theory has been defied for decades since smaller large structures were found (the lumpiness problem).

Human Genome in Meltdown

Most of the deleterious mutations in the human population arose in the last 5,000 to 10,000 years, a survey claims.

Uranium-Lead Dating Fraught With Discordance

Behind the confidence of uranium-lead dates hides worry about numbers that don't match up.

Astronomy Grab Bag

For year's end, here's a clean-out of astronomy articles—from planetary science to cosmology—to motivate further inquiry.

Titan Is as Titan Does

Saturn's giant moon Titan keeps revealing mysterious dynamics in the here and now, leaving interpretation to fallible scientists who sometimes predicted otherwise.

Globular Clusters Look Young and Old: Is This Scientific Explanation?

Globular clusters supposedly all formed at the same time long ago, but some look young. How do astronomers rescue the belief that they are ancient groupings of stars?

Two Studies May Indicate Problems for Vast Ages

Two articles in secular science literature point to possible upsets in long-age assumptions for the earth and mankind.

New Volley Cast into the Grand Canyon Age Wars

Age estimates for the Grand Canyon by secular geologists differ between 100,000 years to 70 million years. Who are you going to believe?

Find Is Like iPods in Ancient Rome

Discovering hafted spear points half a million years old is like finding iPods at a Roman archaeological site, a paleoanthropologist said.

The Creation of Evolutionism

A press release titled "The Evolution of Creationism" in a geology journal is just asking for a spoof.

Volcano Date Was 3,000% Wrong

Volcanoes at the south end of California's Salton Sea erupted as recently as the time of Christ, not 30,000 years ago, and may be active today.
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