Weekend Grab Bag

Here are links to recent science findings and claims sure to stimulate thinking and further research.

Upper Limit Set on DNA Age

Forget Jurassic Park; DNA cannot last anywhere near 65 million years, researchers say.

Cambrian Explosion Began with Big Brains

A fossil Cambrian arthropod shows a large complex brain, prompting evolutionists to propose that evolution ran backwards from there.

Explaining Inland Seas Without a Flood

The Great Salt Lake and other large extinct inland seas in the desert remain a challenge to explain by conventional geology.

Lemur-fish, Vege-fang and other Fossil Follies

Fossils are doing just fine, but the scientists who interpret them are having a rough week (or century).

Supernova Dating and Classification Is Not Simple

Bang! goes a star. Watch how fast its contents move, and you know the date, right? Watch its light curve, and you know the type, right?

Planets and Moons Beneath the Surface

Can science peel back the surfaces of objects to see what's underneath? Can they go under the observations to find the explanations?

Cambrian Soft Animal Survived Unchanged 200 Million Years

A fossil soft-bodied lobopodian has been found in Carboniferous strata in Illinois.

Earliest Galaxy Points Out Flaws in Secular Cosmology

More evidence points to a fully-formed universe very soon after the beginning.

Pristine Wood Found in Diamond Crater

A kimberlite crater in Canada, said to be 53 million years old, yielded exquisitely preserved unfossilized wood.

Man Is Man and Ape Is Ape: The Gulf Widens

Now that "human ancestors" from 300,000 years ago show comparable mental acuity to ours, the gradual upward slope to man looks more like a cliff.

Evolutionary Fish Story

Similar-looking blind fish couldn't have swum across the world, so did they evolve separately?

Geological Dates Collapse

Two papers in the journal Geology this month cast serious doubt on assumptions used to date rocks.

Turning Astrobiology Surprises Into Evolutionary Fiction

There's never been a surprise that a good astrobiologist hasn't been able to spin into an evolutionary tale.

Denisovan Genome Reveals Interbreeding With Modern Humans

With the publishing of the Denisovan genome, the genetic profile of interfertile humans has widened considerably.
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