Earth Is a Safe Haven

Recent news articles show how mechanisms protect earth's inhabitants from a hail of bullets overhead.

Far-Out Cosmic Ideas Taught as Science

Secular cosmology is where the words cosmic and comic become interchangeable.

Star Formation Theories Fail to Shine

Big things are wrong in astrophysics, say several news articles.

Did Earth Get Its Water from Meteor Squirt Guns?

You can't just fire bullets at pumice and claim that Earth got its oceans that way.

Secular Cosmology Is Useless and Pointless

Secular cosmologists admit they will never know how things began, and that the search is pointless. How is this 'science' even worth considering?

Astrobiology Still Has No Biology

Number of worlds beyond Earth where life has been discovered: zero. Number of optimistic articles about life in outer space: hundreds per year.


One can't fault astronomers for not knowing everything – only for pretending to. Here are some reports indicating they have a long way to go.

JPL Honors Explorer 1 Manager on 60th Anniversary *

Dr Henry Richter, who has contributed articles to CEH, is a VIP at NASA's 60th Anniversary celebration of America's first satellite. *Audio version included.

Our Solar System Appears Odd to Astronomers *

Our solar system is an oddball, conclude astronomers who looked at hundreds of planetary systems around other stars. *Audio version available.

Can SETI Avoid Intelligent Design Implications by Rebranding?

A SETI leader thinks the label has outlived its usefulness and does not reflect what SETI scientists actually do.

Late Heavy Bombardment Myth Is Dying

A favorite tale from the Apollo era, the so-called Late Heavy Bombardment, is being bombarded itself.

Astronomical Theories Totally Wrong and Upside Down

From the planetary scale to the cosmic scale, astronomers are throwing away textbooks.

Video: An Interview with Dr Henry Richter

Rocket scientist Henry Richter describes how he got interested in the requirements for life on "Spacecraft Earth."

Planetary Youth Continues After Cassini

The data gathering phase is over, but the data mining phase will continue for years. This entry also shares some news about other solar system objects showing youthfulness.

It’s Over: Dark Energy Was Fake Science

It's being called the Worst Theoretical Prediction in the History of Physics. Dark energy, and its cousin dark matter, are not showing up in any empirical tests.
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