Evolutionists View Poison as Elixir of Life

Hydrogen cyanide is one of the most reactive and toxic molecules we know, but astrobiologists view it with almost alchemical qualities for the origin of life.

Observable Chemistry Does Not Logically Apply to the Origin of Life

Origin-of-life researchers assume that intelligently-designed experiments in the lab can inform them about the emergence of life without design – in short, that design proves non-design.

Parallel Universe of Microbial "Dark Matter" Revealed

As scientists continue to find incredible diversity in the smallest of organisms, realizations of all we've been missing are changing conceptions of life.

Public Invited to Participate in Astrobiology's Future

NASA's Astrobiology Program is charting a new roadmap for future projects, and the public is allowed to voice its opinions.

Targeted SETI Search Hears Nothing

For this search, a team targeted 104 stars with planets discovered by the Kepler Telescope. Still nothing.

Are Scientists Capable of Stupidity?

Scientists are only people, and most people do or say dumb things sometimes. You can decide how to classify these "scientific" ideas.

Turning Astrobiology Surprises Into Evolutionary Fiction

There's never been a surprise that a good astrobiologist hasn't been able to spin into an evolutionary tale.

SETI Gets Good Press

For an enterprise that has failed for 50 years, SETI gets good press. There are many worthy enterprises on the planet; what is it about SETI that gets honorable mention with nary a critical word?

Aliens: Evolutionists' Imaginary Friends

Some evolutionists have a lot to say about imaginary friends no one has ever seen.

How to Liven Up Dead Geology

A new study shows some carbon compounds from Mars formed, not by living organisms, but from geological and chemical processes. What does life have to do with it? Ask some science reporters.

Doomed Worlds: Planets Seen Disrupting, Not Forming

Much as astrobiologists would like to see the birth of a new planet, the ones we observe seem to be dying, not being born.

What SETI Guru Wants to Know

Seth Shostak, a SETI advocate, has two key questions for aliens.

SETI Finds Intelligent Humans

The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is 50 years old this year. SETI’s latest scientific discovery was the detection of a human-made satellite in Earth orbit. In a sense, this counts as a success: the detection of a signal of intelligent origin from an extra-terrestrial source (beyond terra firma). The false alarm helped calibrate the instrumentation, but did little to garner support for the effort to find aliens. The SETI Institute was all SETI-ready to party hardy at the 50th anniversary of Frank Drake’s first search, but instead, found itself struggling to keep its doors open after a severe shortfall of private funds, highlighting questions about the scientific status of the long-shot project.

Selling Confabulation as Science

Science is supposed to be all about demonstrable proof through experiment. Should some scientists get away with confabulation – mere storytelling? Look at these recent headlines published on science news sites and consider whether some serious housecleaning is in order.

SETI at Night

For 50 years, searchers for extra terrestrial intelligence (SETI) have thought that radio waves would provide the best signals, being able to traverse at the speed of light with little scattering. Now, two physicists suggest another way: looking for the lights of their cities at night.
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