Archive: Baby IQ, microRNA, Moon Rocks, Plant Muscle, Mars, Courts, Darwin Tree Mixup, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in late October 2001, restored from archives.

Archive: Fall Colors, Goby Fish, Virus Motor, Planets, Hiking, St Luke, More

Fall colors and St. Luke: here are some of the stories we were reporting in October 2001.

Archive: Eugenics, Sprites, Viruses, Mars, Rafting Rodents, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in mid-October 2001.

Archive: Cells, Io, Cave Art, Solar System, Sex, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in October 2001.

Mooney Tunes: The Fantasy Moons of Astrobiologists Leave Science Far Behind

You could be an astrobiologist, too. Just make up imaginary worlds filled with imaginary life.

Archive: PBS Evolution, Media Bias, Ant Feet, Comets, More

The week of CEH's 1st Anniversary, we were debugging and debunking evolutionary stories presented on public television.

Archive: Evolutionists, Peacocks, Extinctions, Brain, Terrorism, Whales, More

What were evolutionary scientists claiming 23 years ago? Read these CEH archives and see!

Science Media Abandons Empiricism

By failing to exercise restraint, reporters launch themselves into speculative fantasy islands.

What’s Hot This Week

Check in several times a day for word about news items appearing on our feeds.

Archive: Fungi, Dinosaurs, Octopus, Appendix, JPL, More

A broad variety of stories have been published at CEH for 23 years. Look back at to August 2001.

Motley Origins News

This is a collection of unrelated articles on creation or evolution of interest to our readers.

Rubberduck Reporters Gullible to Science Shamans

Science reporters regurgitate whatever scientists say about things they cannot possibly know.

Archive: Moon, Cannibalism, Stem Cells, Religious Doubts, Censorship

These 23-year-old stories from CEH showcase the variety of subjects we have reported on since our first year.

Climate Change: What the Science Says

The popular media is not giving the whole story.

Archive: Spider Webs, Cave Art, Chili, Prayer, Cicadas, Mars

This collection of archived articles from July 2001 will stimulate a variety of emotions.
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