Human Body Brain Plasticity in Children with Cataracts December 4, 2023 News of more plasticity in vision than we thought was possible in older children is most welcome. CONTINUE READING
Geology Plate Tectonics Flooded North America September 14, 2023 In a radical departure from conventional ideas, geologists confirm key mechanisms of Biblical Flood models. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Ministry Spotlight: Genesis Apologetics July 8, 2023 With solid answers to questions and materials for youth, this organization has impact. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Macroevolutionary Theory Evaporates March 3, 2023 Evolutionists boisterously advertise their theory as a fact. Looking under the hood, though, one finds hot air and broken promises. CONTINUE READING
Media Science Condemns Co-Inventor of the Transistor November 25, 2022 Another racist called out for his racism yet Charles Darwin, one of the most influential racists in history, gets a pass. CONTINUE READING
Health Big Science More Concerned About Stigma than Health August 17, 2022 Take your pick: shame or death. Which do you think is worse? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Pterosaurs Defy Evolution September 2, 2021 Flying reptiles appear suddenly in the fossil record; their diversification in size and shape astonishes paleontologists. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Why Religion Is a Meaningless Category December 13, 2020 How can two ideologies with polar opposite doctrines and consequences be labeled with the same word? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Theory of Evolution Is Evolving October 4, 2020 After gushing over Darwin, New Scientist says, "Evolution is evolving: 13 ways we must rethink the theory of nature.” CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Be Happier Conforming to the Creator’s Plan August 23, 2020 Is it any surprise that people who choose lifestyles other than those God designed for them become miserable? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Should We Be Worrying About the End Times? March 15, 2020 A global pandemic, natural disasters, locusts, global warming, immorality, persecution – what is happening to Planet Earth? CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Materialists Say that Life Stinks January 5, 2020 Secular scientists look to stinky poisons to explain where life came from. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Scientists, Reporters Still Nuts Over Darwin November 1, 2019 No other historical scientist gets as much praise and worship as Charlie D. Why is that? CONTINUE READING
Early Man Ancient Israeli City Was Already Advanced October 7, 2019 One of the earliest archaeological sites ever found in Israel is being described as the 'New York' of its day. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science If Diet and Drug Science Is Uncertain, How About Evolution? July 29, 2019 Scientists blunder through advice on diet or medicine, but about molecules-to-man evolution they have no doubt whatsoever. CONTINUE READING