Search Term: climate change


Evolution Suspected on Mars

Mars had great floods of Biblical proportions, but evolutionists find images of Darwin instead   There are scars of great floods on Mars, suggesting the presence of young-earth creationists. Evolutionists...

More Research Undermines Climate Consensus

...natural cycles that were taking place long before the industrial revolution? Are climate scientists underestimating the resilience of the biosphere to climate change? All of them admit that there have...

The Climate of Science and v.v.

...which should more accurately be called “The Indoctrination” or the Pravda of the Left. The Climate of Science Ordinary people, extraordinary change: addressing the climate emergency through ‘quiet activism’ (The...

Ginkgo ‘Living Fossil’ Trees Defy Evolution understand climate change by a study of ginkgo leaves is problematic even before the research has begun. Nonetheless, I encourage any and all research on the ginkgo which will...

Weekend Funnies and Surprises

...12 in Energy Science & Engineering. Incidentally, two Christian media sites this week reported on the climate hysteria going on. They basically agree with our position. John Stonestreet, “Climate Change...

How to Avoid Climate Screams

...emerging in climate change discussions (, e.g., solastalgia, doomism, savannification. Epistemology of Climate Science Before Greta Thunberg starts crying again, a look at the epistemology of climate science is in...

Science Prestige Crumbles

...Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is dependent on the ability of the international community to accurately measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emission trends, and consequently, to alter these trends. 2/ Problem:...

Science Capitulates to Leftism

...pitchfork and torch! Climate Change: “Most people consider climate change a serious issue, but rank other problems as more important. That affects climate policy” (The Conversation). Another typical hit piece...

Climate Models Fail History Test save the planet. Clouds play major roles in climate but are the “missing piece” in climate models. Other Climate News Why Commercialization of Carbon Capture and Sequestration has Failed...

Recent Plants Found Under Greenland Ice

...for geological dating and also for climate change politics. PhysOrg 15 March 2021 describes the stunned reaction of scientists from the University of Vermont. In 1966, US Army scientists drilled...

Was Antarctica Once a Land of Forests?

...The presence of temperate forests in what today is the coldest part of the world means that earth has experienced dramatic climate change in the past. Secular scientists have this...

Smoke Gets in the Eyes of Climatologists

...Global Warming and Climate Change by David Rives (David Rives Ministries). Take a quick read at this creation ministry leader’s views about climate change. “The climate change debate is really...

Evolutionary Timescales Require Ridiculous Migrations

...less than 20 years to make the journey between South America and Greenland. Enter climate change: the magic wand that cures many an ailing evolutionary theory. Kent & Clemmensen looked...

Climate Scientists Don’t Know What They Claim to Know

...climate czar John Kerry had to dust off some embarrassment yesterday. He had to explain why his work on climate change requires him to fly around the world in his...

57,000 Years Is Too Old for a Young Puppy

...summertime when it died, how did permafrost form fast enough to preserve the body in such detail without any decay? Both articles also tried to drag “climate change” into the...
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