Darwin Is Evolving

Evolvability, non-selective adaptation, mechanics over genetics – change is in the air.

How Journalists Perpetuate Darwin Dogma

Science reporters do this to ensure Darwinism remains the only allowable explanation in biology.

Do Genome Sizes Prove Evolution?

Simple life-forms have small, simple genomes; complex life-forms have large, complex genomes.

ID Pioneer Ponders Theology

A key figure in the intelligent design movement considers the worldview implications of the fine tuning he has documented.

Darwinism, an Excuse for Lazy Thinking

Just say it evolved because of selective pressure, and your work is done.

Evolutionary Medicine Will Not Help Medical Research

Why evolution has nothing positive to offer medical science

Mathematicians Visualize Evolution in Algorithms

Molecules just want to come together and become living cooperators, say these university eggheads.

Darwinians Leap Over Flight Origins

It's one giant leap for Darwinkind: how to explain the origin of powered flight without engineering.

Bird Flight Is Easy to Lose But Hard to Gain

Is it easier for a plane to lose its wings and roll on its wheels like a car, or for a car to sprout wings and fly like an airplane?

Information Sharing Is Not Evolution

Scientists are finding that organisms can use libraries of functional information obtained from one another.

Epigenetics: Adaptation Without Darwinism

Regulating existing genetic information is a way life gains heritable change without blind natural selection.

Has a Pterosaur Ancestor Been Found?

Looking more closely at a fossil found 115 years ago, evolutionists visualize it running, sprouting wings and flying into the sky.

Slimy Evolution

The media repeat stupid stories about mucus evolution, but to thinking readers, it's snot funny.

Birds Break Evolution Stories

Evolutionary theory is not just for the birds. The birds actively challenge Darwinism.

Mutations Conspire to Defeat Evolution

Mutations don't just act alone. They work in concert to decrease fitness.
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