Dinosaur Evolution: Darwinian Tricks to Force Data into Theory

A new paper about a theropod dinosaur fossil illustrates the methods Darwinians use to force uncooperative data into their belief.

Beetle Diversity Without Evolution

To believe the Darwinian account of beetle diversification, you have to be willing to accept miracles.

Evolution for the Birds

Birds have not evolved as much as evolutionary theories about them have.

Dinosaurs Evolved in the Blink of an Eye

Evolutionists figure that dinosaurs evolved from pre-dinosaurs rapidly, despite no significant change in the environment.

New Fossils, Old Stories

You can sing any words to the same tune, if you don't know any other tunes and don't care how well the syllables rhyme or fit.

What Sparked the Mammal Explosion?

If you think tiny shrew-like mammals scurried afoot below dinosaurs right before they went extinct, you've got the wrong picture.

Evolutionary Enigmas

Neo-Darwinism is at war with the observations, and the observations might just win.

Birds Evolved Fast Except When They Evolved Slow

To make a dinosaur fly, you have to adjust the rate of evolution by orders of magnitude, and commit other scientific fallacies.

The Early Hummingbird Gets the Evolutionary Nectar

A three-inch fossil bird is said to be the earliest nectar-feeder, meaning pollination by birds is older and more complex than thought.

News About Bird Evolution

We've just heard about some amazing birds. Now, what to secular scientists say about how they evolved?

More Surprises for Evolutionists

Neo-Darwinists would not have predicted the results they got when studying fish, alligators, monkeys and mice.
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