Dinosaurs Swimming Lambeosaurs and Other Dino Headlines February 20, 2024 Evolutionists continue hiding their solutions to puzzles in Deep Time. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution The Darwinist Genocide in Tasmania December 18, 2023 The extinction of the Tasmanians was another egregious example of the fruits of Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Nature Read in Youth and Paw September 26, 2023 The wild chase of predator after prey happens, but we shouldn't make overly much of it. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Genetics of Skin Color Defies Evolution August 25, 2023 Skin color: We used to believe it was produced by 3 genes; the number is now 135. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Did Your Pet Cat Evolve? August 18, 2023 We love cats because they were created for us. They did not evolve from wild cats. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Reexamined Laetoli Footprints Confound Anthropologists December 10, 2021 Another new set of Laetoli human footprints found: Do we have to rewrite the textbooks yet again? CONTINUE READING
Early Man Arabian Artifacts Undermine Human Evolution Narrative August 19, 2021 Human evolution story is in shambles (again) after finds in Arabia, but the Darwinian storytellers have no shame. They keep imagining new tales. CONTINUE READING
Birds Life Exceeds Expectations: Birds July 10, 2021 Here are some marvelous birds with abilities above and beyond the call of survival duty. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Cave Art Dates Contradict Human Nature January 16, 2021 After painting a pig on a cave wall, what did these artists do for five times all of recorded history? CONTINUE READING
Early Man Early Man: Toumai Deposed December 7, 2020 Toumai, one of the most important hominids ever found has been debunked. CONTINUE READING
Education Universities Scrub Names of Racist Leaders August 27, 2020 The next step should be for the ACLU to acknowledge its racism. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics South Sudan: A Lost Eden Recovering June 11, 2020 The evil that men do affects wildlife, too. But when men stop doing evil, sometimes the animals come back. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Kabwe Skull Casts Doubt on Human Evolution May 15, 2020 Another skull tosses evolutionary paleoanthropology into confusion with a radically-revised date. This is par for the course. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Monkey Sea, Monkey Raft April 27, 2020 In order to maintain Darwin Year orthodoxy, evolutionists imagine rafting across the Atlantic. CONTINUE READING
Early Man The Latest Rewriting of Human Evolution April 18, 2020 Early Man studies are a moving target. Evolutionists keep re-writing our alleged history. CONTINUE READING