Archive: Wise Men, Aquaporins, Horses, Plate Tectonics, Phylogeny, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting before Christmas in 2001, restored from archives.

Archive: Flagellum, Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Crabs, Comets

Celebrate the summer solstice with these lost gems from CEH archives published in June 2002.

Great Oxidation Myth Creates Absurdities

A falsified zombie scenario known as the GOE is not a solution to evolutionary problems. It is a problem itself.

Endosymbiosis Under the Microscope

Do microbes get married and become one? Is this an example of evolution?

Darwinism Is Useless in Fossil Discoveries

Like a rabbit's foot, evolutionary paleontologists hope Darwinism will bring them good luck.

Friday Funnies: Evolutionary Balderdash

If you replaced "evolutionary" with a nonsense word, it would make as much sense. Maybe more.

Evolutionists Call Example of Extreme Stasis “Evolution”

Evolution means nothing at all if it means an organism can stay the same for 541 million years.

Microbes Travel the Globe

The tiniest of life forms are able to traverse continental distances on wings of the wind.

Old Fat Not Worth Chewing: Evolutionary Tale Update

It took two years, but now evolutionists have been falsified more properly.

Darwin Report Card: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

We examine numerous articles and papers that talk about evolution to see if neo-Darwinism (or even old Darwinism) actually contributes to the understanding of nature.

Selective Extinctions Defy Logic

To believe the standard evolutionary timeline, you have to accept some highly unreasonable notions.

More Plants That Didn’t Evolve

We continue with looks at how plants supposedly evolved, drawing from latest news from the leading journals and science media outlets.

Biological Designs Worth Imitating

If these designs are so good that intelligent minds want to mimic them, who can believe they emerged by chance?

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part Three

It's hard to know where to stop with examples of Darwinian nonsense. For evolutionists, it's like April Fool every day. These are just some of the recent examples.

How Many More Anomalies Can Darwinism Take?

Darwinism survives not because it is empirically verified, but because it is a deduction from a tightly-held materialistic worldview.
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