Stay Healthy; Get Dirty

Studies of two people groups confirm that exposure to nature helps prime the immune system – among other benefits.

Worm Therapy Becoming Trendy

Treatment with helminths (roundworms), once considered gross, is actually proving effective.

Brain Size Myth Won't Die

Evolutionists continue to push the idea that bigger brains offer better fitness, despite repeated empirical problems.

"Natural Evil" May Be Broken Good

Things in nature we consider nasty are sometimes good systems that have broken.

Evolution Is Not a Goddess

A reporter wonders what evolution was thinking when it gave us allergies.

Overcoming Natural Evil with Good

Things that bite and sting are not always 100% harmful. Maybe some of our categories of natural evil are due to ignorance.

Better Health Through Nature

Humans were meant to thrive in the environment. We sequester ourselves from the natural world at our own peril.
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