Most Armored Dinosaurs Found Upside Down

Why are 81% of ankylosaur fossils found belly up? With clever storytelling, you can accommodate this to evolution's long ages.

Dinosaur and Mammal Tracks Found Together

In what is being called the mother lode of Cretaceous tracks, mammals, dinosaurs and pterosaurs left their prints in a table-sized rock.

Darwinian Explanations Are Religious

A theory that explains opposite things with equal ease is indistinguishable from magic.

Amazing Fossils Found in Flood Deposits

Flood geology explains these unique fossils like slow-and-gradual geology cannot.

Manipulating Fossils to Fit Evolution

No matter how unusual a fossil appears, evolutionists will find a way to fit it into their favorite Darwin narrative, or else will ignore the non-Darwinian implications.

Spiky Dinosaur May Have Been a Softy

Soft-tissue remains on an armored dinosaur may indicate a role other than warfare. Incidentally, how old are those red crusts, really?

Surprising Fossils Upset Evolutionary Expectations

Here are some notable fossil finds that tell stories, not necessarily the Darwin kind.

Dinosaurs Evolved in the Blink of an Eye

Evolutionists figure that dinosaurs evolved from pre-dinosaurs rapidly, despite no significant change in the environment.

Dinosaur Variety was Extreme

Here are news stories about dinosaurs, from dwarfs to giants that lived in all kinds of habitats.

Extinct Reptiles Quickly Spread Over the Globe

On every continent, dinosaurs and other extinct reptiles thrived. Here are some recent amazing finds.
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