Media Archive: Motors, Teens, Geology Mysteries, Mars Flood, Pluto, Stem Cells, More December 6, 2024 Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early December 2001, restored from archives. CONTINUE READING
Media What’s Hot This Week September 10, 2024 Check in several times a day for word about news items appearing on our feeds. CONTINUE READING
Fossils More Fossils Contradict Evolutionary Tales February 21, 2023 How many more anomalies will it take to overturn the Darwin empire with its assumption of gradual evolutionary progress? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution “The Evolution of…” Is a Useless Phrase July 1, 2021 The only thing the phrase accomplishes is perpetuating myths about the magical power of the Stuff Happens Law. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Was Antarctica Once a Land of Forests? March 11, 2021 Perfectly preserved leaves under Antarctic ice tell a story. But what is the correct plot? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Desperately Defending Darwin December 9, 2020 The desperation with which biologists and the media defend Darwin betrays underlying fear of creationists. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Surprising Fossils: Flying and Swimming Reptiles April 6, 2020 Ask if these fossils support millions of years of evolution, or a more recent Biblical timeframe with a creation and flood view of life. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Surprising Fossils: Land Dinosaurs April 3, 2020 Ask if these fossils support millions of years of evolution, or a more recent Biblical timeframe with a creation and flood view of life. CONTINUE READING
Health Push Your Body January 12, 2019 The human body is so amazing, it deserves the exploration of its capabilities. That is best done outdoors in creation. CONTINUE READING
Fossils More Fossil Forests Found in Antarctica March 22, 2018 The extent of fossil forests buried in the coldest continent on earth continues to grow and astound explorers. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Unusual Fossils Twisted to Support Darwinism December 15, 2017 A fossil is a standalone reality. Darwinism is a story that force-fits these standalone realities into a predetermined narrative. Watch how it is done. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Bacteria Rule the Earth December 14, 2017 Bacteria are inescapable. They're everywhere. Fortunately, many of them are here for good. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Fossil Forest Found in Antarctica November 20, 2017 Claimed to be 280 million years old, stumps of fossil trees retain original material in the world's coldest climate. CONTINUE READING
Geology Rapid Earth Changes in Historic Times December 6, 2016 What happened to the Sahara desert? What's going on in Java, man? Geologists are surprised sometimes by recent major changes. CONTINUE READING
Geology Possible Super-Grand Canyon Found Under Antarctica January 14, 2016 Another record-breaking canyon may exist under the ice of the south polar continent, carved by water. CONTINUE READING