Rampant Speculation Rules Science Media
December 13, 2023
Science reporters routinely speculate about things they can't possibly know.
Darwinian Anthropology Is Inherently Elitist
November 10, 2023
A study on African hunter-gatherer singing habits borders on racism, elitism, and malpractice.
Racist University Brain Collection Exposed After Almost a Century
September 4, 2023
Another evil fruit of Darwinism exposed at long last: racist director of Smithsonian museum Aleš Hrdlička is an embarrassment now.
Fire the Useless Darwinists
January 17, 2023
Science will gain more respect if it terminates the Darwinians. They could serve society better as truck drivers or laundry workers.
A Change of Climate in Human Evolution Storytelling
August 24, 2022
New findings continue to complicate theories of human evolution. Maybe they can sound trendy by dragging climate change into it.
Social Sciences Flunk Science Test
April 13, 2022
A historian of science confirms: the so-called "social sciences" deserve the criticism they've been getting for decades.
Character Flaws Give Big Science Woes
November 13, 2021
The days when science journals could be trusted have become clouded. Maybe the sun never shined anyway.
Retraction Note: “Evolution of Religion” Study Pulled
July 11, 2021
Nature has egg on its face. Its peer-reviewed paper on the evolution of "moralizing gods" was found immoral.
More Differences Between Chimps and Humans
September 30, 2020
Evolutionists still repeat the falsehood that we and apes are 99% similar. The differences are actually profound.
Evolutionary Anthropologists Fail Big Time
July 22, 2020
When you treat other people like evolved animals, you are bound to make mistakes.
The Latest Rewriting of Human Evolution
April 18, 2020
Early Man studies are a moving target. Evolutionists keep re-writing our alleged history.
Psychology’s Fake Superiority Over Religion
February 16, 2020
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Yet they never learn.
No New Human Influence Under the Sun
September 4, 2019
Scientists trying to measure the damage done on Earth by humans need to look way back.
Did Christianity Evolve from a ‘Vengeful God’ Myth?
July 14, 2019
A typical theory on the 'evolution of religion' commits multiple logical blunders, not the least of which is ignoring evidence.