Apollo Astronaut Doubts Consensus Age of Moon

It started when he was told the same moon rock had two vastly different ages.

The Last and Lasting Footprint on the Moon

50 years ago, Harrison Schmitt left the last footprint on the moon, but he is leaving tracks of an independent thinker on Earth.

Returning to a Young Moon

On the eve of the Artemis launch, questions about the age and formation of the moon have resurfaced.

Moon Is Too Dry for Astronauts

NASA is counting on water ice in shadowed craters on the moon, but there may be none. And there are other hazards.

NASA Goes Loony: Moon Formed in Mere Hours?

Is it clickbait? NASA is claiming the moon formed within hours after a collision.

Our Moon Refuses to Obey Scientists

The neat theories for the origin of the moon and its subsequent evolution unravel when you try to stuff long ages into a young body.

Bibles Placed on the Moon by Apollo Astronauts

Not widely shared in Apollo news is that the astronauts wanted to take a Bible to the moon – and succeeded.

Space Pioneers Who Trusted in God

The mainstream media try to present science and technology as fields owned by evolutionists. Not true.

Lunar Scientists Fight the Dust

This entry continues our recap of lunar science in the 50 years since Apollo 11.

Lunar Mysteries Plague Materialist Theories 50 Years After Apollo

Apollo was supposed to decide between 3 competing theories for the moon's origin. Conclusion: all 3 were wrong.

50 Years After Apollo, Our Moon Is Still Mysterious

Scientists in the 1960s were confident that the moon missions would solve their problems with lunar origins.

Jesus Christ Honored on the Moon

A little-known incident occurred on the moon right after the Apollo 11 astronauts landed. Illustra Media tells about it.

Defending America’s Apollo Rocket Scientist

Revisionist historians who weren't with this man keep trying to disparage his past. We set the record straight.

More Evidence Our Moon Is Young

Moonquakes are still occurring. Why didn't geological activity cease billions of years ago?

NASA Commemorates Apollo 8 Genesis Reading

A major event for the 50th Anniversary of Apollo didn't shy away from the historic Bible reading from the moon.
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