Noah and Flood Get Media Exposure

Two events are presenting evidence for a global Flood and a floating craft that saved Noah's family.

Ministry Spotlight: Genesis Apologetics

With solid answers to questions and materials for youth, this organization has impact.

Can Unbelievers Really Be Happy? – Commentary

The previous entry described coping mechanisms used by unbelievers to deal with 'uncreatedness' and crisis. Let's think about them.

Happy New CEH Year

Thanks to all who read, shared, and tweeted our articles last year. We continue enthusiastically ahead, hoping to share science with "2020 Vision" free of evolutionary distortions.

Science Is a Bad Reason for Apostasy

Certain high-profile Christians have been in the news for questioning or leaving their faith. Science is the worst excuse.

Free Creation Films Easily Shared

At the John 10:10 website, La Mirada offers s spectacular selection of great faith-building and apologetics films.

How Creation Can Uplift the Church

Here are three vivid examples of how the doctrine of creation can empower and uplift the church.

Creation Uplifts the Church

There are numerous ways that the Bible doctrine of creation provides benefits to the church. Part 1 of 2.

Why Question an Old Earth?

An apologetics website has listed 21 reasons for believing the earth is much younger than secular scientists claim.

Secularization of America Accelerates

Should America become like Europe? Or should Europe reverse course and return to its Reformation roots?
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