Darwinian Materialism Is Destroying Science

The rejection of Biblical morality has consequences in due time.

Engineers Follow Inspiring Creatures

From tiny to mighty, living cells, animals and plants inspire human technology.

How Scientists Can Reconnect With the Public

View academia like a member of the public would: what a concept.

We’re Safe from an A.I. Takeover

Don’t worry. AI is a very long way from replacing humans. It cannot yet do even simple rocket-science projections.

Why the Brain Is Superior to A.I.

Scientists have a long way to go to make viable comparisons to the Human Brain

Big Science Cred Collapsing

Beware, believers in the scientific method: science cannot exceed the honesty of its practitioners.

SETI Is Built on the Myth of Evolutionary Progress

Does intelligent design evolve from slime? That is just one of the absurdities in the SETI movement.

Mindless Artificial Intelligence Doesn’t Understand What It Says

Artificial intelligence is getting so good, it can fool most people, but it lacks what humans need for trust: integrity.

Fallen, Fallen Is Big Science the Great

Big Science has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit. And they admit it.

Brain Science Needs a Rethink

Have the sciences of the mind, from psychology to neuroscience, really grasped what's going on inside our skulls?

How Science Could Destroy Itself

Without this essential ingredient, long taken for granted, science could collapse.

Darwin Given Credit for Non-Darwinian Observations

Darwinian evolution is one of the most curious scientific theories ever. Even un-Darwinian data can be twisted to support it.

More Reasons to Imitate Biology

Recent articles about Biomimetics show that the field is still going strong.

Astrobiology Still Has No Biology

Number of worlds beyond Earth where life has been discovered: zero. Number of optimistic articles about life in outer space: hundreds per year.

Big Science Fights Christian Values

Secular scientists have more than just Darwinism to offer as an alternative to creation. They have political clout to fight traditional values with anti-Christian political and educational positions.
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