Genetics of Skin Color Defies Evolution

Skin color: We used to believe it was produced by 3 genes; the number is now 135.

More Big Problems with Human Evolution

Fossil discoveries keep "rewriting" or "overturning" accepted ideas about human evolution. Here are two more recent examples.

More Upsets in Human Evolution

If you like scientific truths that become untrue every year or month, join the paleoanthropology guild.

Oldest Language in India Only 4,500 Years Old

If modern humans left Africa 185,000 years ago or more, why does the oldest language in India date back less than 3% of that time?

Yet Another Revolution in Human Evolution

A new paper claims the split between chimps and humans occurred in eastern Europe, not Africa as widely accepted for decades by scientists.

Miracle Tree Could Feed and Fuel Third World

The 'drumstick tree' grows right where it is needed for food, fuel, water safety, stock feed and many other uses, all for free.

Geology Fail at India

Tiny insects debunk a widely-taught scenario about where India came from.

More Upsets in Human Origins Stories

When it comes to a consensus on how humans evolved, there's no "there" there.

Media Perpetuates Lazy Thinking

Lazy reporters don't do their homework, two critics in different fields complain.

Why Was Farming Delayed?

If intelligent humans were around for hundreds of thousands of years, why didn't any of them think about farming sooner?

Cheetahs Prospered in North America

If evolutionists can say cheetahs migrated over continents, why can't Biblical creationists say the same?

Save Your Eyes: Take a Hike

An epidemic of myopia is swamping Asian health care institutions. The cause could depend on what side of the front door you tend to be.

Indonesian Cave Paintings Shake Up Art History

Asians were not supposed to be so culturally talented 40,000 years ago, but their cave art shows the same finesse seen in contemporary European caves.
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