Solar System More Challenges to Astrobiology May 26, 2016 There aren't likely as many places to live outside of Earth as earlier hoped. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life OOL Without Bluffing Is Nothing May 16, 2016 Count the hopeful "could" words in a speculative NASA Astrobiology myth. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin Can't Win for Losing April 13, 2016 Progress must be made with gains, not losses. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Hot Jupiters: Astronomers Blew It March 31, 2016 The experts were (and are) wrong about how planets form, new data from a weird exoplanet show. CONTINUE READING
SETI Scientists Going Nuts Over Aliens March 2, 2016 Baseless speculations are considered perfectly sane as long as you are a secular materialist. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy There's No Place Like Earth November 20, 2015 A survey of known exoplanets finds no real estate as valuable as Earth. CONTINUE READING
Solar System New Thoughts on Habitable Planets October 9, 2015 Astrobiologists are trying to standardize the requirements for habitable planets. Do they get them all? CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Mars Life Would Spit Out the Water October 2, 2015 Finding minimal amounts of salty water contaminated with perchorates is not helpful to life. CONTINUE READING
SETI SETI Club Goes Bonkers September 26, 2015 Flush with new money, the astronomers who support SETI have lost all restraint in their speculations. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Confusing Building Blocks with Life September 4, 2015 Astrobiologists and their uncritical reporters continue to commit a logical fallacy regarding necessary and sufficient conditions. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Astrobiology: The Joy of Being Wrong August 18, 2015 An astrobiologist looks forward to the day when everything he says is totally wrong. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Planets Defy Bottom-Up Assembly August 15, 2015 As much as they want to imagine planets forming from dust, secular astronomers run into insurmountable difficulties. CONTINUE READING
Origin of Life Origin of Life for Dummies August 1, 2015 Readers can decide if these news stories on the origin of life represent smart science or not. CONTINUE READING
Media You Wouldn't Want to Live on "Earth's Cousin" July 24, 2015 Despite the hype about another Earth-like exoplanet, Kepler 452b would not be as habitable as Venus. CONTINUE READING
SETI Lonely Billionaire Throws $100 Million at SETI July 22, 2015 Yuri Milner gathered the SETI believers and gave them a pile of money to find aliens. CONTINUE READING