Spiral Galaxies Revealed in Dazzling Multicolored Splendor

New images from the Webb telescope combined with Hubble images present a catalog of awesome structures.

Big Bang Cosmology Still in Crisis

The lumpiness problem keeps getting worse, and most of reality is unknown.

Fat Star Child Too Big for Mom

Could a mother give birth to a 170-pound baby? That's what a new exoplanet is like.

Some Thoughts About Everything

How some super intelligence could create such complex but simple things is absolutely amazing to this veteran NASA pioneer.

2022 Year in Review

Here is a list of the most visited articles in Creation-Evolution Headlines in 2022.

JWST Finds Un-Big-Banged Galaxies

Astronomers were surprised to find disk galaxies older than they should be.

Hubble’s Camera Celebrates 20 Years

The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope has dramatically changed cosmology.

Cosmic Disturbances Shake Astronomer Confidence

When theory and observation don't match, there is a loss in consumer confidence in science.

Galactic Structure Gives Cosmologists Lumps

How many times have we been told that "new physics" are needed to explain the universe?

Closing In on Fast Radio Bursts

Astronomers claim to have identified the source of one instance of the most enigmatic explosions in the universe.

Will Clear Starry Nights Be Lost Forever?

A classic showdown has already started between technological convenience and natural revelation.

Secular Astronomy Fails, II: Deep Space

From planets to stars to galaxies, objects don’t fit the expectations of materialists who work as astronomers.

Anti-Theism Makes Cosmologists Go Crazy

Professing themselves to be wise, the professors became fools.

Free Creation Films Easily Shared

At the John 10:10 website, La Mirada offers s spectacular selection of great faith-building and apologetics films.

New Illustra DVD Released: “Call of the Cosmos”

Illustra's newest DVD showcases Psalm 19 in multiple ways.
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