California Had Long Droughts Before Recent Climate Change

Those who attribute droughts to recent human-caused climate change should read this paper.

More Research Undermines Climate Consensus

What's at stake is a threat of punishing all humans (except elitists) around the globe for what may be a natural phenomenon.
Pluto (color-enhanced) from New Horizons, Sept 24, 2015 release

Can Pluto’s Atmosphere Last Billions of Years?

Pluto's atmosphere is freezing onto the surface again as its orbit takes it farther from the sun. How many times has this happened?

Smoke Gets in the Eyes of Climatologists

Wildfire smoke and other factors have not been properly taken into account in climate models.

Smelly Gas on Venus Was Never Alive

A brief flap about possible life on the solar system's most inhospitable planet showcases the gullibility of materialists.

Mars Lost Its Water Rapidly

A new mechanism for desiccation on Mars could have dried up an ocean much faster than previously thought.

This Exoplanet Shouldn’t Exist

Astronomers are baffled by a Neptune-sized exoplanet with an atmosphere that should have burned up long ago.

Lunar Tunes: Dreaming for Theory Rescue

Oh what a tangled web they weave when they assume things have to be billions of years old to give Darwin time to evolve life by accident.

Did Mars Experience Planetwide Storms?

Impossible as it seems now, scientists believe that dry red planet had massive, flooding storms in the past.

Crucial Geological Proxy May Be Misinterpreted

Many inferences about past climate and evolution depend on a measurement with dubious interpretations.

Why Magnetic Field Decay Matters

Earth's magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of years, evolutionists gloss over facts.

Cut the Habitable Worlds by Half (or More)

Astrobiologists figure that most earth-like planets give off toxic gases.

Where Did Earth’s Water Come From?

Water is just one big problem facing secular scientists who feel a need to explain everything without design.

Global Policies Can Trust Fake Science

Some matters are just too complicated to know with certainty. Here's another "whoops" moment in climate science.

Surprising Water Found on Inner Solar System Objects

Recently-visited objects in the inner solar system show evidence of water ice or volatile materials.
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