Paranthropus Not a Missing Link

Paranthropus boisei (formerly Zinjanthropus) is no longer considered a missing link. It was an extinct ape.

Lucy Worshiped Like a Religious Icon

The adulation given to the ‘Lucy’ bones overlooks big problems with the fossil.

Laetoli Footprints Were Made by Humans

Have modern humans been on earth for 3.7 million years? Here's how Darwinians negate physical evidence by interpreting it away.

From the Archives: A Tour of New York’s Natural History Museum

This article from 2001 shows that evolutionists have continued telling the same lies for nearly 20 years that we've been reporting.

Lee Berger’s New Hominid Is a Non-Starter

How many times can you shake up a family tree before the family concept becomes a myth?

Now It’s Cool to Praise Neanderthals

Long the brunt of jokes, Neanderthals are trending upward in respect. Scientists keep finding things to admire in our 'archaic' brethren.

New Book Critiques Fossil Human Ancestors

The new book Contested Bones addresses the question; “Did apes evolve into man?” This book provides a comprehensive, insightful, and up-to-date analysis of the bones that have been called “ape-man” or “hominin” fossils.

Unusual Fossils Twisted to Support Darwinism

A fossil is a standalone reality. Darwinism is a story that force-fits these standalone realities into a predetermined narrative. Watch how it is done.

Everything Scientists Assumed About Human Evolution Needs a Major Rethink

In short, the paleoanthropology field is a confusing mess.

Human Evolutionists Fall Out of Their Science Tree

Tell a tale, get media attention: did Lucy fall out of a tree, or did paleoanthropologists fall off an empirical limb?

Why Was Farming Delayed?

If intelligent humans were around for hundreds of thousands of years, why didn't any of them think about farming sooner?

Press Welcomes "Lucy Neighbor"

Another species of Australopithecus has been named. But does the evidence justify the big to-do in the media?

Another "Oldest Homo" Contender Alleged

Not again: another jawbone is making the rounds in the human-evolution saga.

From Tiny Bones to Whopper Conclusions

It doesn't take much to stimulate an evolutionist's imagination. A tiny middle ear bone will do.

Eats Shoots and Leaves

This is not a crime story, but a story nonetheless.
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