Secular Awe Falls Short

Secular scientists and astronomers are only human; they feel awe, too. But why, and for what end?

Hubble’s Camera Celebrates 20 Years

The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope has dramatically changed cosmology.

The Teaching Power of Nature

Scientists continue to find reasons for getting outdoors and observing the beauty of the world

Awe Demands an Awe-Giver

Materialists want to reap the psychological benefits of godly attitudes without entering the narrow gate properly.

New Illustra Film: The Seed that Drills Itself into the Ground

Some of the most extraordinary events in nature take place in small, common plants under our feet.

Watch: Illustra Introduces 2-Minute Wonders

Branching off from hour-long documentaries, Illustra Media started releasing quick, shareable video jewels.

Saganism Lives On in Futility

Carl Sagan's daughter picks up where her dad left off, adding an unexpected twist for creatures on a pale blue dot.

The Opposite of Worry Is Awe

There's nothing better than seeing the power and beauty of nature to take your mind off your worries. Or is there?

Superlative New Hubble Deep Field Shouts Awe

How many galaxies can you fit in a piece of sky the diameter of the full moon? Keep reading.

What Makes Good Friday So Good?

La Mirada films reinforces the victory of Christ over death in a series of educational, inspiring films.

Bible Was Right #529: Springs of the Sea

Long before scientists discovered the springs of the sea, God told Job about them.

Can Psychology Measure Awe?

Psychologists get their hands into everything, but the objectivity of their science is questionable.

Awe Struck a Superpower Nerve

Got Awe? Go get some. It's good.

Why Awe Is Uniquely Human

Psychologists are noticing that a sense of awe makes you a better person. Why is it a uniquely human trait?

News from Eden

Some recent findings fit naturally with a Genesis view of natural history.
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