Plastic Proteins and Turtle Skis

Here's news about the latest technologies coming out of biomimetics, the imitation of nature's designs.

Astronomers Deal With Outrageous Phenomena

Even for scientists accustomed to big things, some observations seem too outrageous to explain.

How Well Do Evolutionists Understand Endosymbiosis?

The theory that early cells engulfed microbes that became mitochondria is often presented overconfidently.

Take a Forest Bath

Science supports a Japanese tradition of "forest bathing" for mental refreshment and overall well-being.

Secret Animal Hideouts

Small animals can hide out in secret places, even in your own home.

Organisms Refusing to Evolve Over Millions of Years

Several more cases of "extreme stasis" have turned up, calling into question Darwin's notion of constant, gradual change over millions of years.

Hair Makes You Bigger and Warmer

Scientists found that hair increases a beast's surface area by a factor of 100.

Microbes Are Wired for Communication

New findings show surprising communication systems between bacteria, including power grids with tiny electrical cables.

Origin-of-Life Speculation Goes Off the Rails

Astrobiologists and their accomplices in the media are finding life everywhere where it isn't or couldn't be. Time to call in the science rangers.

Scientific Progress Is Spelled "Bio-Inspiration"

Need fundamental insights into physics and technology? Look no further than the living world.

Evolutionary Enigmas

Neo-Darwinism is at war with the observations, and the observations might just win.

Bacteria Share Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance does not "evolve" in a Darwinian way. Rather, a new study shows that bacteria share their genetic information.

Two Mutations Caused Black Death

The Black Plague of the Middle Ages happened by accident. It was enabled by two mutations to a bacterium, scientists claim.

More Dino Blood Found: Evolutionists in Denial

"Can soft tissue survive 75 million years?" the caption in Science Magazine reads.

Rare Fossils: Dead Animals Decay Rapidly

Why do some fossils leave soft tissue remains? It takes guts, some scientists propose.
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