New Evidence for Discrimination Against Christians in Academia

A new PhD thesis documents discrimination against creationists in academia: a look at the history and claims of anti-creationists.

Big Science: Lean to the Left

How does Big Science support the socialist cultural revolution going on in major cities? Let us count the ways.

Big Science Is Losing Even More Credibility

Give up on the old-fashioned notion of influence-free, reliable science. This is 2020.

Bad Students Can Be Good Scientists

Are we recruiting scientists the wrong way? It takes a lot more talent than the ability to memorize and pass exams.

Elitism Makes Evolutionary Psychologists Neurotic

'The public is out to destroy rationality, and we must save the planet from stupidity!' Elitists need to look in the mirror.

Anti-Christian Bias in Academia Is Real

A Peer-Reviewed Study Proved What We Have Always Known: Creationists are Subject to Major Discrimination in Academia.

Leftists Use Science as Camouflage

Leftists have learned that the 'science costume' is their most effective means of propaganda.

Liberal Journal and Media Disparage Conservatives, but Censor Falsification

A widely-cited paper disparaging conservatives was falsified, but the journal refused to admit it or publish a retraction.

Science Under the Microscope Looks Infected

Surgical changes are coming in scientific institutions and methods, due to chronic maladies coming to light.

Fallacious Assumptions Corrupt Science

Scientists are not immune from the attraction of primrose paths that lead to confirmation of their biases.

Political Bias in Science Media, cont.

This entry continues listed examples of political bias in science, academia and secular media.

Science Media Still Overwhelmingly Leftist

Try to find a conservative point of view in the following secular news stories. We found one in the long list.

Big Science Failing Integrity Test

What happens when the purveyors of knowledge admit they are unreliable?

Anthropologists and Psychologists Under Fire for Flawed Methods

Poor sampling and other errors may undermine many things scientists think they know about mankind.

Science’s Got Troubles, cont.

The "credibility crisis" in science is not solved. It may be getting worse.
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