Questioning the Sanity of Big Science and Big Media

Scientists arrogate to themselves the authority to diagnose insanity, but they and their friends in the mainstream media believe some pretty nutty things.
Earthrise 2015 LRO

Climate Flap Echoes Political Divide

Reactions to a whistleblower's statements raise the possibility that the climate-science consensus is largely political, not empirical.

Science Reporting Has Become a Fake-News Scandal

One reporter in a campus Press Relations office shouldn't be able to influence the world's view of science.

Big Science Goes Total Left in Opposing Trump

Have they no shame? Science is not supposed to take political positions. What they're doing this week undermines their credibility as unbiased seekers of the truth.

Language Strangles Scientific Ideals

Big Science doesn't have a public relations problem. It has a propaganda problem.

Big Science Pops its Zits

If you think institutional science has a smooth complexion, look closer. From every angle, serious blemishes are coming to light.

Big Science Leans Pro-Death

Is there any logical or empirical reason why science journals and secular reporters should always take the pro-abortion position?

Big Science Blind to Its Scientism

Big Science loves scientism, but the view that science is the most reliable path to knowledge suffers a fatal flaw: it is self-refuting.

Big Science Blind to Its Political Bias

More evidence that institutional scientists, journal editors and reporters live in an echo chamber that betrays their ideals of unbiased knowledge generation.

Darwinians Honor a Fraud

Devoted to Charles Darwin, Ernst Haeckel was not above fabricating data to make his hero look better.

Science Sells Its Soul to Clinton Campaign

Mainstream science media have abandoned all pretense of objectivity when it comes to presidential politics.

Shameless Bias in Presidential Science

Why do "science" news sites go after the Republican candidate only? This is another arena Donald Trump could show is rigged.

Scientism, Heal Thyself

The scientific establishment that sees itself as the paragon of rationality needs take an honest look at its human frailties.

Media Perpetuates Lazy Thinking

Lazy reporters don't do their homework, two critics in different fields complain.

Peer Review Is Unscientific

A reviewer of peer review says our reverence for the practice borders on mysticism, not science.
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