Psychotherapy Effectiveness Exaggerated

It's depressing that psychotherapy inflates its effectiveness in treating depression.

Researchers Test Scientific Brainwashing

Psychologists test methods of unconsciously manipulating people's biases – and nobody seems worried about it.

Can an Evolved Brain Choose Good and Evil?

If the brain evolved, wouldn't anything the mind does be determined by forces beyond one's control?

These "Evolutionary" Fossils Don't Help Evolutionary Theory

Anti-evolutionary implications can stare paleontologists in the face, yet they still invoke evolutionary theory.

What Is the Temperature of the Earth?

The news are all reporting 2014 as the hottest year on record, but no one is asking how such a measurement can be made without bias.

Science News Hype Getting Overdue Scrutiny

Finally, a journal is owning up to the propensity for scientists and reporters to exaggerate research.

Of Minds and Men

So many psychological theories have come and gone; does anything remain worth clinging to?

Peer Reviewed Science Can Mislead in a Major Way

Sociology is under scrutiny, but the issues apply to all of science.

Children Are Little Geniuses

There's a lot of talent in the heads of those little toddlers.

Survey Exposes Liberal Bias Among Psychologists

Everybody except liberals knows they are intolerant of conservatives, but now a new survey won't let them deny they have a real bias problem.

Political Science 101: Doubt Scientific Claims

Science goes through a chain of messengers from data to consumer. In between are fallible scientists, who speak often in incomprehensible jargon and often only partially understand what they observe, but often wish to gain notoriety with a major discovery (or need to publish or perish). Next, the institutional press offices decide what is significant and try to digest the jargon to layman level. The predigested stories are then delivered to science reporters, who sometimes sensationalize the filtered stories to make a name for themselves. Finally, the media outlets, prone to peer biases, dress up the products to grab the eyes of readers of their newspapers, magazines, or web pages. How much of the real scientific data remains at the end of this game of Telephone? Sometimes the bias is clearly evident, but often the product is delivered with all the presumptive authority of science. Once in awhile, a reporter comes clean about the dirty work involved.

Institutional Science as a Leftist Cabal

Something strange happens in scientific journals and reports. Whenever they talk politics, it is almost always from a leftist point of view. Why is that? Did they arrive at that position by the scientific method? Is there something about the need for government funding that drives institutions to a leftist position? Whatever the reason, it’s […]

History Debunks Scientism

The "inglorious" history of science isn't pretty.
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