Better Science Without Darwin

Scientists wouldn't rush to imitate nature if it was poorly designed.

Another Big Science Fail Over Pollution

Is plastic polluting the world's oceans? Yes, but not nearly as much as hundreds of studies had claimed. Measure, don't assume!

Good Science Bears Good Fruit

Science may not understand reality, but individual scientists know what can benefit other people.

Why Can’t Scientists Achieve Nature’s Designs?

Biomimetics has been big for years now, but scientists are still a long way from achieving biology's engineering.

Hagfish Haunts Darwin

A zombie hagfish rises from the dead, and scares Darwin from two directions.

Sea Sponge Makes Flexible Glass

How do you make glass that bends without breaking? Learn from a lowly sponge. Then look around for other ideas.

How Flamingos Stand on One Foot

Mysteries of the universe unfold: how can flamingos sleep while standing on one foot? And why is it good to know?

Weekend Biomimetics Showcase

The focus in biology these days is on design. Here's evidence.

Year-End Biomimetics Parade

What better way to end the year than a celebration of biomimetics, where fun and useful science never ends thanks to nature's inspiring designs?

Inspiring Life Motivates Designers

Here's the latest collection of bio-inspired designs brought to you by plants, animals, and cells.

Celebrate Independence from Darwin

With so much great science news about design, who needs to maintain allegiance to King Charles?

Small Creatures Have Super Strength

The most amazing physical feats in nature are performed by some of the smallest organisms.

Nature Inspires Hi-Tech Design

Scientists and engineers continue the gold rush to imitate nature's solutions to problems.

Biomimetics Line-Up

Here's what's hot in the trendy science of making things the way nature does it.

Invisible Subs and Other Tricks Inspired by Life

Working scientists seem less focused on evolution and more on design these days, figuring out how animals and plants do amazing things.
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