Fossils Soft Tissue Wars: Latest Inadequate Excuse January 2, 2025 Four European scientists couldn't find original collagen in ichthyosaur bones, but how hard did they look? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Giving Rise to Skeletons with Darwin’s Magic Wand August 22, 2023 Mistakes in a fish embryo gave rise to pole vaulters, thinks a Darwinist. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design DNA Does Not Explain Morphology December 13, 2022 How do you get from a linear code to a skeleton? A new book says nobody has found the answer. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution How Darwinism Morphs to Censor Critics November 17, 2022 Censorship of creation still occurs in the media, but when the implications of a fossil slip past the censors, the Darwinists can always maintain their belief by rewriting the textbooks. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Bone Wonders Celebrated October 17, 2021 Illustra Media's newest short film is a masterpiece of animation and design evidence in the human body. CONTINUE READING
Mammals No Evidence for Bone Evolution April 8, 2021 Research into the cells and structure of bone supports the creation view: bones are designed. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolution Evolves at Random April 5, 2021 Imagine a science always shifting as if in Brownian motion, never getting anywhere. That's Darwinism. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Evolutionists Gloss Over Implications of Dinosaur Tissue Remains December 22, 2020 Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, so these delicate remains are at least that old. Move along; nothing to see here. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Claims that Humans Are Evolving Fall Apart When Examined October 15, 2020 Evidence humans are ‘Evolving as We Speak’ turns out to be no evidence for evolution: what is changing is largely the persistence of a nerve. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Fossil Roaches Did Not Evolve March 4, 2020 Cockroaches preserved in amber show no evolution, but the Darwinists celebrate anyway. CONTINUE READING
Health How to Lubricate Your Body’s Gears January 23, 2020 You have gears in your spine. Ask these Swedish researchers who say so, and learn some gear maintenance skills, too. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Kid dinosaur was misidentified as a new species January 8, 2020 Oops: Tissue confirms Nanotyrannus was not a new species, but merely a juvenile T. rex. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Body Wonders to Be Thankful For November 27, 2019 You may not have much money or fancy belongings, but you live in the greatest traveling home one could wish for. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Mechanical Engineering in the Skeleton April 17, 2019 Dr Henry Richter explains some of the design requirements for having a skeleton. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Good Biology Without Natural Selection January 11, 2019 Excellent biological research that produces understanding and application can ignore natural selection completely. CONTINUE READING