Archives: Oxygen, Early Mature Universe, Cell Proofreading, More

This set of entries from January 2002 contains major announcements that we have cited ever since.

Insect Olympic Feats Astonish Biologists

Butterflies cross the Atlantic, and tiny gnats fly over the Pyrenees.

Butterfly Evolution Hatches Magical Story

Butterflies magically arise, fly around the world after surviving asteroid strike that killed dinosaurs.

Ugly Life Is Beautiful in Its Own Way

Who's calling ugly plants and animals repulsive? To know them is to love them.

Watching Butterfly Designs Assemble

A press release from MIT shows that great biological science can be done without mentioning evolution.

Butterfly Designs Shown in High Resolution

Illustra Media's new short film shows how God is in the details.

Design of Life 2021 Update: Butterflies

Illustra Media's Design of Life series opened many eyes to natural wonders. Here's what's new about butterflies, featured in their film Metamorphosis.

Delicate Acrobats: Butterflies and Jellyfish Use Physics to Perfection

Two animals probably not envisioned as champion movers can teach human designers a thing or two.

How the Story Got Its Just-So

Scientific storytelling can be useful when it's not a just-so story. What's the difference?

Small Animals Strut Their Stuff

Bioengineers struggle to keep up with the designs in nature. For Pi Day, here are some amazing designs in small animals.

Convergent Evolution: A Better Explanation

Can an event acknowledged as improbable occur many times?

Bugs Ride on the Wings of the Wind

Small animals can take advantage of wind to go long distances in remarkable ways.

Updates for The Design of Life

New research puts more "wow" into the wonder of animals featured in Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries.
Monarch butterfly on flower

Butterfly Evolution Pushed 70 Million Years Before Flowers

New fossil evidence puts the squeeze on Darwinians, making butterflies appear suddenly, with complex mouth parts, before there were any flowers to pollinate. Time to rescue the theory again.

Flying Physics

In the world of flying animals, stories of remarkable physical engineering come to light.
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