Mad Scientists Threaten Humanity

Attempts to rein in scientist ambitions are too little, too late.

Clueless Scientists Ask Wrong Questions

By definition, you can't get a right answer to a wrong question.

New Book Presents C.S. Lewis as Warrior Against Evolutionary Naturalism

C.S. Lewis was the most effective anti-evolutionist of the last century.

Can Secular Spirituality Exist?

The rarity of life in the cosmos is making some scientists look for meaning in mindlessness.

How to Do a Survey and Get Wrong Results

New survey claims nationality and household income are more influential than religion in rejecting evolution.

Not All Critical Thinking Is Equal

Educators believe in teaching critical thinking skills except for subjects they don't want to critique.

No Such Thing as Natural Election

On election day in America, both election and selection imply a chooser. Neither word applies in mindless nature.

Evolution as Evil Illusion: How Darwinism Destroys Human Dignity with Illogic

With dispassionate nonchalance, Darwinists continue to describe us as glorified apes, and justify every vice. The consequences are not only disastrous, but illogical.

The Thesis: Why Luther Undercut Materialism

The very title of Luther's famous first protest spells the death of all materialistic philosophies.

Dishonesty Undermines Trust in Big Science

Before they can tell the public what is true about the world, scientists had better get a handle on honesty. You can trust a scientist – to be fallible. Science is not entirely ‘out there’ in the world. Its findings are always mediated through fallible humans. And lately, there has been a flurry of concerns […]

Scientism Fails Another Defense

A physicist's latest attempt to justify scientism reveals a deplorable ignorance of history, logic and philosophy of science.

Trusting Science Experts Can Be Disastrous

Nobody pushes the values of science more than scientists. But trusting them doesn't always work out right.

Is Water Miraculous?

It depends on your definition of miracle, but one professor thinks the word might aptly be applied to H2O.

Face Up: Can Evolution Be Thanked?

The uniqueness of human faces has fallen to a Darwinian story, for which we are to say "thanks to evolution."

How to Use Your Brain

The fact that you can ponder how to use your brain implies it is a physical tool your soul uses. New findings support the idea that we can improve our brain function through effort, like we can learn to become better computer users.
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